Monday, May 17, 2021

It’s Snowing

     There was almost not a post today. I am super busy (shocking) and I almost didn't have time for a post. So you'll get a bit, but likely not much.
     Yesterday I took a personal day for another IEP meeting. It was a super productive meeting and it sounds like we have some good plans in the works for Travis's last year of school. That makes me super happy. The team seems to finally get that we are not looking for our hopes and dreams, we are looking for realistic and what will make Travis happy and successful. That really is the ultimate dream isn't it? Successful doesn't need to mean making piles of money, I don't care if the only thing he does is volunteer stuff or group outings. If he is happy, and part of it, that will be success to me. So now we are in crunch time with only a year left of school for him. Time to focus. 
     My new can of (super expensive) matte finish showed up yesterday and I was really pleased. I wasn't expecting it for at least a couple more days and potentially another week or so. As soon as it arrived I brought my custom out to get some more finish on him. Which sucked a bit because it was snowing! It was full bright sun, 80 degrees, and snowing (pollen). This little piece landed on his WET nose! I was not pleased. So I carefully picked it off and sprayed some more finish and I think he is OK. There may still be some pollen in his finish. Not cool. 
      After the IEP meeting and spraying the horse I cut out and got several doll outfits sewn and then headed out to do the laundry. Normally I don't have time for any doll work on Mondays because of laundry, but the time off gave me time to work on dolls, get the laundry done earlier than normal, and get back into the doll work. After Travis and I went to do some errands. I saw my friend Felica in the parking lot of the grocery store, and that was fun. It's always nice to run into friends out in the world. 
     So like I said, this post almost didn't happen. Today I am still super busy, though I guess I could have done less yesterday. But working on dolls (which I get paid for) seemed like a good idea. I do love the blog but it is one more thing to fit into my very busy day. I am tired. I am often tired. If you want to buy me a coffee, I would be grateful for it. I hear that ko-fi is coming out with some new options soon. Something about subscriptions but I don't have any details on that yet. Anyway, MCAS today. Not looking forward to that. 

1 comment:

  1. Anne

    I'm gonna post here what I posted on your friend Jennifer's blog. I'm just one of your readers--but I thoroughly enjoy reading yours , hers, Lynn's and a few other people's blogs!

    Being a teacher of younger students, maybe you don't appreciate how inspiring you are to others --whether you're showing them how to paint ( I *love* how your bay is coming along!), how to cook your fabulous meals or make dolls! (I swear --one day I will get my courage up to contact you about making one of your fabulous dolls for me!)

    I can't imagine how hard it must be to think of things to post about every day! But here's the thing--like I mentioned to Jennifer--what LAW says that you "have to" post daily?? If you're super busy (which while school is in session, I imagine you would be!) or feeling uninspired, why not just skip a day or two?? (Jennifer does it all the time!)

    You're always doing some activity with Travis or Ethan--So wouldn't it be easier just to say "Guys--I need a little breather""--rather than say "Hey! I've burnt out and I'm shutting down my blog"?? THAT would be a huge loss to the hobby!

    Take time to breathe for yourself Anne--Your readers will be here for you when you're ready to resume!
