Saturday, May 1, 2021

More Dolls

       On Friday when I got home from school I fully intended to work on some dolls. But my brain said, nope, you need to have a snack first. OK then, I had a snack and read a bit. So then I said to myself, it's time to go work on that doll. But my brain said, nope, you need to go take a nap. OK, twist my arm a little bit, I'll go take a short nap. And then double it (still technically a short nap maybe). After that I said to myself, now it's really time to get to work on that doll, and my brain said, nope, look at random stuff on the internet and screw around doing nothing in particular. *sigh* so I did a bit of that. Then I said, now it HAS to be time to work on that doll a bit. My brain said, nope, go pay some bills. Dammit. I just wanted to see if I could get one more doll finished this week. My brain was having none of it. Oh well. 
      I did at least manage to get some dolls done this week. I finished this pretty red, white, and blue cross country rider. 
     And I managed to finish up this hunt seat rider. Both of them are wearing the new helmets made by KC's Galloping Gals. I am glad to have a nice, big stock of helmets! Though I also really love the ones Michelle makes, and I will most likely keep on getting some of those too. 
      So Friday was a struggly day of not getting any doll work done. My brain just would not let me do any more work. Which I guess is OK. I spent a bunch of time looking at the results from the Candyland photo show. That is another show that had some pretty large classes in it. I will have to pull together a results post for that show soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes these things happen. Don't beat up on yourself too much. :)
