Sunday, May 30, 2021

Struggles in the Cold

        We used to routinely turn our heat off April 1st. We would get a few cold days after we did, but it was not usually too bad. This year we waited until the middle of May to turn the heat off. That seemed safe. It was not. This past weekend it got super cold and we had daytime highs of barely 50 degrees. That was not fun. Especially when it was nearly June. In the past week we have had temps in the 70's, 90's, and 50's. That sort of weather swing makes me really tired and unmotivated. I am struggling to get things done. Again.
      There is no reason that a hunt seat doll should take me an excessively long time. But the two I was working on last week are still not finished. I have struggled every step of the way with them. I did get the bodies prepped and the clothes sewn. And then a bit further, but not a whole lot. First it was abruptly 20 degrees warmer (and humidish) and then it was 40 degrees lower than that just a couple of days later. That definitely leaves me tired. Maybe soon things will even out. Then it will likely just be humid for months. 
     Ethan found a new alfredo sauce that is pretty low carb so we tried it out on one of the low carb pastas we tried recently. This is from The Great Low Carb Bread Company. It's very expensive, so not something we will have often, and it is lower carb than regular pasta, by a lot, but not super low carb. So this is a rare one for us. We are going to try out some more pastas, with alfredo sauce, and see what we like best. For science. 

      We're down to 11 days of school now. Tomorrow is the bio MCAS, so that is half the day. Finals are next week, and those days are all half days. And then our last day is the 15th, but I think students are just in for a half a day, and only if they need to make something up. Almost there. And it should warm up again.

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