Thursday, May 27, 2021

Tiny and Awesome

     A month or two ago I saw a post from Stacey Tumlinson saying that she was offering micro Scarletts! Scarlett is one of my all time favorite resins. I have a mini Scarlett and still would really love to get a traditional scale Scarlett. I don’t currently have space for a traditional Scarlett, but I sure would love to have one. But for now teeny tiny Scarlett is making me incredibly happy. I have just this one right now but I could easily see having many of this particular horse! Too bad I missed the order window to get more. 
     We are down to the wire with this school year. And I am glad about that! This has definitely been a very weird year and I hope we never have another one like it. Remote teaching is hard. Being a remote para is exceptionally hard because we help kids, but don’t want to call them out in the middle of class. Once we went to hybrid it was both easier and harder. Now there were some kids in person. But sometimes I ended up with kids in the class and kids at home. It is still hard to be in 2 places at once. Breakout rooms helped the issues, some, but not always. But we are coming to the end. Just a couple weeks to go...
    The weather for the most part is a lot better. A whole bunch of nice days with some unseasonably warm days thrown in. Though I guess since it IS almost (unofficial) summer, maybe it's not so unseasonable. The humidity has been going up as well, which I am not a fan of at all. 

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