Saturday, June 5, 2021


     Twenty-One years ago today Travis was born. He was an awesome baby, super cute and a little mischievous. He used to love taking all the videos off the shelf and stacking them up to look at the covers. He would do the same later with DVDs, books, and these days he looks at stacked of photographs. 
    Even without many words it has always been really clear what Travis likes. He always enjoyed going out on my boat. Just sitting and enjoying the day, or reaching over the side to splash in the water. 
     I taught Travis to cook when he was really small. I always considered how to make it safe, Travis doesn't always pay as much attention to that as he should, so double potholders was a good way to make spaghetti sauce. 
       Travis still cooks, and he has gotten pretty good. 
And he bakes all sorts of things as well. 
Travis took riding lessons when he was young. And he loved his horses. 
And he loved his dog, Abby. (we still miss her)
     He enjoyed coming with me to horse shows. He hangs out and uses the computer, or watches movies, and just enjoys being with everyone. He especially enjoys going to dinner with the big group after the show day is done. 

     This is a guy who can make the rollup sunglasses from the eye doctor look cool (that is a talent!). 
And who makes an excellent pirate. 
He's been a track star. 
And was an amazing long-jumper, when he felt like it. 
He got to "graduate" with his class.
    And he loves fireworks. 
      Hanging out at Memere and Pepere's house reading the comics is always a good time. 
     And "driving" at Round 1 is pretty serious business. 
He's into art. 
And participated in NaMoPaiMo one year. Maybe he will choose to do that again some time. 
Travis is helpful with yard work
And laundry. 
He loves working out. 
And seeing new places. This is Travis touching a stalagmite at Howe's Cavern.
    Last year we were in Quarantine and his drum teacher sent him sticks so he could practice at home. 
      And he did a lot of his school work on the Chromebook, just like all the other kids. 
       Over the years Travis has gotten more and more interesting and fun. Even without a ton of words it's clear how much he enjoys life. He is silly, funny, and cares about people. I'm so proud of the man you have become Travis. Happy Birthday!



  1. I loved looking at the photos of Travis from baby on up. Happy Birthday, Travis!

  2. I love those 2 pictures of him at the stove stirring the pots! Also, there is no one that makes a better pirate! Happy Birthday, Travis!

  3. Happy birthday Travis! Love seeing pictures of you with all the things you enjoy!
