Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Hunt Seat

     There is not really any good reason why it should take me over a week to make a couple of hunt seat dolls. Yet here we are. I worked on these dolls all last week and didn’t manage to even get close to finishing either one. Too many things got in the way. That, and extreme temperature swings, has made it hard to accomplish anything. But I did finally manage to get them finished.
    School is close to finished for me, finals start next week, then Travis is done about a week later. This year has been rough but it is coming to an end. And it is a relief. Next year should be back to a typical year. Though I hope we keep up the extra cleaning. I have enjoyed not being sick this year.
       I am still working on my Native American regalia, but I think I am going to switch up some of my materials. I am thinking I might switch over to ultra suede. It’s very consistent so should be quite easy to work with. Hopefully soon I will have some time to get some more work done on it.
      I am just about ready to start really buckling down to prep for my next live sale, which will be in mid-August. I am incredibly glad that I did not try to rush and get ready in time for Breyerfest! I am going to start with small items I think. I have a new item I will be offering at the next sale and I am pretty excited for it! That is where I will start I think. Then I can start focusing on all of the other things and getting some dolls in the mix. August will be here before I know it!

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