Saturday, July 17, 2021

Breyerfest Open

      Just a quick bonus post for this morning. I was looking at my results from the Breyerfest Open show and thinking about my photos, my entries, the class sizes, and a variety of other things. Last night was the Zoom meeting to award the champs and reserves. After seeing my placings I was not at all surprised that I didn't get any of those. I was also not upset about it. Breyerfest Open, whether in person or online, is an incredibly tough show with amazing competition. And it's not like I never placed. I placed a lot. Not always spectacularly, but with the classes as large at they were, I did pretty well. 

      Mostly what I want to talk about though is the cool thing I saw in my results. The last photos I took were all new photos for Lady Intrigue. I noticed in her original set of photos that all of her western ones needed to go. The cheek strap was much too close to her eye, something I will routinely knock entries down for (safety first!) So I redid all of her photos. Lady Intrigue actually only placed twice. But she got my only 1st place of the show. After I noticed her lack of placings I made myself a little comparison chart. Entries vs. placings for each horse:

                                    entries   placings

Bring the Mayhem     14           6

Lady Intrigue             12           2

Apocalyptic                16           6

Just A Theory             15          12


     In case you don't remember, Just A Theory is the horse that I customized for The Best Customs Contest. I also made him with the duel purpose of having a really versatile performance horse. Mission accomplished. I also am almost giddy that the horse that I made did the best in the Breyerfest Open show. See? I told you I was already a winner!

     I am actually going to do a couple of posts with photos, I may even put photos of all my entries and then the placings, of the ones that placed, on the photos. But I wanted to share this cool thing I noticed this morning. It made me so happy. 

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