Thursday, July 29, 2021


     I can never think of a good subject line for my posts so this time I decided not to bother. For years Joan Yount and I have emailed each other back and forth several times a day, and this is how we subject almost all of our emails, just by the day of the week we are writing the email. Every few days one or the other of us will start a new one, but it's an easy way to think of a subject. 
     I am sure that none of that is interesting to anyone. What might be interesting to a whole bunch of you is last night UPS sent me a shipping notification that tells me I should have a 12 pound package from CCG (Breyer) arriving today. Now if you have been on Facebook for more than a minute you have probably seen that the shipping weights can be very deceiving. I saw a post yesterday where someone said they have a package with a shipping weight of 12 pounds and it was for stablemates. I did in fact order some of those, so I guess that could be the case for me as well. BUT if it is my SRs I do have a surprise horse coming. I know that there have been posts about what the surprise mold is but I have not seen any pictures yet. And they always come in a variety of colors, so that will be fun. But again, I have no idea what is coming. It could be everything or it could be almost nothing. I guess I will find out later.
     I have been working away on dolls this week and have been at least somewhat efficient. Not as efficient as I always am, but not too bad. I decided to start out with some western pleasure dolls for my live sale. Since I didn't have any of those ready. The geometric style that I posted about last week was pretty popular, so I decided to do another. 
      I often struggle to choose colors for dolls. This one was interesting how it came together. First I chose the chaps and then I looked at what I wanted to go with it. And clearly, I settled on lime green. For the designs I used only colors I didn't have to dig for. So some of them were still in my doll box from the last doll. And the silver was also in the doll box. And then I just started making it up a piece at a time until I was done. And it was fun. I like how she came together. 
      There is only one week left in the summer program. Which is only 4 days and if we break that down more, just 12 hours. And I am a little sad. Maybe a lot sad. I have had so much fun working in this program. I have used skills I worked hard to acquire that I have not had the need to use in a long time. I have learned new tricks to positively reverse a negative behavior. And it has all been awesome. Sure, having a bit of a real break (which really just means sleeping until I wake up instead of using an alarm and then working on dolls), will be nice. And then school will start in a few weeks. And I don't know where I will be, even though I think I finally know what I want. Even if it's scary. 
      So anyway, more dolls to come soon. And I officially have set a time for my live sale. It will be on Sunday August 15th at 2:00 (sorry to everyone overseas). I will publish the catalog of stuff that I have a couple of days ahead of time, as usual. And then on Sunday I will have everything scheduled to post every few minutes on my studio page on Facebook. More details to come. 

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