Sunday, July 25, 2021

Work Work Work

       I need to work. I only have 3 weeks left until my live sale and I feel like I am way behind on getting things done. This happens before pretty much every sale. I start out with lots of time. I literally have months between each sale. After each sale I take some time off, even if it is just a few days that I don't work on dolls, and then I get back into things. At the beginning taking an extra day or two each week to not work on dolls is not a big deal. After a bit it becomes less and less of a good idea. The last few weeks before a sale are really crunch time. Especially if I don't have many of the smaller items I offer ready for sale. Since I only offer those things during the sales (you can order any doll you want at any time) it makes sense to me to have the smaller items, even if that means fewer dolls. Sometimes I can't focus on the smaller items though.
       Breyer has very kindly decided to keep the video content from Breyerfest on their website through the end of the month. Which means that I have been watching a lot of Breyerfest content while I work. The other day, while I was hairing a doll head, I was watching Dani Boiko's draft horse breast collar workshop. It was really fun and gave me some ideas. Not that I need more project ideas, but it happened anyway. 
     Last week I also finished up this judge for an order. I don't make all that many judges, and I think for the most part they are all by custom order. They are not overly tricky to make clothes for but there are definitely trickier parts to it. 
       I'll continue to work away on any orders, including new ones that come in, and also things for my live sale. I have less time than I usually do to finish getting things made. Setting up the semi-live sale takes a lot of time. Not only do I need to have all of the photo of what I have for sale, I also need to then duplicate the photos with claim codes on each item. Then I need to schedule each photo for a very specific time on my studio page (on Facebook) so they come up at the correct time. It is not super hard to run a semi-live sale once it is all scheduled, but it is easy to mess up the scheduling, and it does take a good chunk of time. I should get back to work. 

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