Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A Little Bit of Progress

    Sometimes the best you can hope for is a little bit of progress. I am only two days back to school and I am already really tired and yesterday I came home with a raging headache. I wasn't feeling stressed out, but the placement tells me it was a tension headache. OK. I had a mostly relaxing day at school. A couple of classes that went just fine, one that the kids needed a lot of help on, but they did it, and it wasn't stressful for me. A math lesson where the lightbulbs started to come on. The headache started sometime before my last class, and was really irritating. One of those super distracting ones that makes your thinking a little foggy. But I made it through. And maybe got some of the teaching to sink in. 
    When I got home my head hurt so much I decided I had to take a nap for a bit to see if I could knock that out. It did help some and I managed to talk myself into going outside to dremel a doll. Traditionally, that is something I struggle to make myself do. Especially when there is snow on the ground. But I got that done and I settled in to work on getting her dressed. Her shorts and shirt were already sewn so I made the chaps and got her boots on. This is as far as I got, but some progress is better than no progress. Her face is already painted, so after I hair her head, resize and paint a hat, and do the decorating and bling on the top I'll be finished. I can most likely get her done later today. If I can manage to stay away and get to work. We'll see if that happens. 
     School is still an interesting and ever changing thing. I am not currently having that low-level feeling of panic that I had for the first couple of months. I have enough figured out, for far enough out, that I am a bit more comfortable with everything. I have the assignments in the computer, scheduled on Google Classroom, and at least a rough idea of the plan so I am a bit more relaxed about things. Yesterday I was looking into more pieces for chemistry. I managed to find the next couple of lessons at least, and I have a direction to go in for more. So that's good. Now to just keep going. I'm sure soon I will need some time scanning the environmental science and biology books so I can put chapters on Google Classroom. But for now I am at least mostly current with everything I need to do. Maybe today I can get some more plans made. And maybe I can finish a doll. 


  1. Wow that's a creepy photo of that doll. Lol. Hope you have a better day today!

  2. Sometimes it's the lights. Florescent lights at school always got to me. I can't see well under them and sometimes they give me a headache.

    1. We don’t use fluorescent lights in my classroom. The very first think I did was bring in a bunch of lamps.
