Tuesday, May 14, 2024


      Sometimes I am incredibly efficient. And sometimes I am a huge slacker and I don't really get much done. Though I have found that having a dedicated studio space has made me a lot more productive. I love that. Yesterday, I decided I needed to make a fancy hat. Anyone who has been reading my blog for a while knows that fancy hats are the entire reason I make driving dolls. I started with the idea of the hat. It was going to be black straw with red roses woven into it around the brim. But I can't find my red roses that I am almost positive I have. So I dug around and I found these pink ones. And the hat stayed a natural straw color. And then the whole idea of the outfit changed as well. The dress was going to be black, probably black glitter, and the coat was going to be red. A really good red, not an orange red, but a nice red with the blueish undertones. I love that kind of red. But I couldn't find the roses, so this is the doll that I made. And I really like how she came out. Her jacket is incredibly well fitted and her hat is a lot of fun. I love making fancy hats!
      I found out that Erin Corbett is doing an entire division for DOLLS at Equilocity. Well crap. It is the Saturday during Breyerfest, but it is also in the hotel I will be staying at. There is nothing that says I HAVE to go to the horse park for all 3 days of Breyerfest. I could go on Friday and I could stay at the hotel and do Stone stuff on Saturday, then go back to the horse park on Sunday. I mean, a whole division just for dolls is very very tempting. So I am really leaning that way. I have dolls but if I am going to show dolls, specifically with the doll being judged (I have NEVER heard of that before!) then I am going to need to make some new dolls. I was counting weeks and there are only 8 weeks left until Breyerfest. How did that happen? 
     So I was heading out to see Crystal today and listening to Mares in Black since I have been really behind for a while. Somehow the discussion was about the things that will be at the Marriott Griffin Gate, which is where all the Stone stuff is happening. Which is why I switched to that hotel. I figured it would be a great idea to just be where some model horse stuff was happening. Well, I have never been to Kentucky, though I have been talking to people about things I should expect from Breyerfest, the hotels, etc. Everyone has some different snippets. I know there are a lot of hotels right on the same street at the CHIN, but I had no idea that Griffin Gate is across the parking lot from the CHIN! I heard that and I got all kinds of excited! Heather and Jackie said I could sell dolls out of their room at the CHIN, which Jackie brought some down for me one year, and there is room shopping and other major Breyer happenings at the CHIN. My concern was how to get there. I heard that parking there is pretty much not happening. So when I heard that Griffin Gate is across the parking lot I was excited. And please don't anyone tell me that it is a lot further than it looks. I looked at it on Google Maps and I can tell how far it is (because I know how big gas stations are and I am pretty good at spatial relationships) and yes, the parking lots are big, there is that random other parking lot, the gas station, the side street... but that is not that big of a deal. And not having to figure out how to park is exciting. We can just walk over. Or bum a ride if someone else is heading that way. I mentioned before that I get nervous about not knowing where I am supposed to go/be or how things work. So the more I can figure out ahead of time, the more comfortable the whole trip will be. So I am quite excited. And I know there are a bunch of artists planning on being at Griffin Gate doing artist things. Maybe I can do some selling there. I have no idea. I am still piecing things together. But it is exciting to makes bits of plans. I can't believe there are only 8 weeks left!

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