Monday, July 15, 2024

Horsefest trip day 7

      I built some extra days into my horsefest trip. Part of that was so I wasn't traveling, immediately jumping into judging or doing Breyerfest or Equilocity things, and also so I could potentially do some fun things in Kentucky that didn't necessarily have anything to do with horsefest. Who knew that I would need an extra day to pack and ship things. But that is what happened. I decided to put the dolls I have left up on Facebook (I will do a post of what I have left on here, since I know not everyone is on Facebook). A bunch of dolls sold, so I wanted to get them packed, and shipped, to have a bit less to put in my luggage. I also needed to ship the CHIN carpet PAM and the Fight Song I sold last night on eBay. Which meant I needed to go out and get boxes and packing material. I found out I could get the front desk to print things for me (yay!) so I got the shipping labels purchased and printed, went to the post office for boxes, to Walmart for a horse-sized box, packing tape, and bubble wrap, and then I got to work. 
     Other than packing things to ship I also started packing my stuff to head home. I had to carefully wrap up all the bourbon I bought. I wrapped them in the T-shirts I bought, then in big zipper bags, taped them up, and I packed them with clothes all around them, in my packing cubes. Now for people that don't know how incredibly organized I am, I folded all the clothes (clean and dirty) and separated them in the packing cubes AND labeled them (I did need to know which cubes had the bourbon in them). My work family and I got on a Facetime today and they have already semi-picked on me about how organized I am. I ended up with 3 glasses to bring home as well, so I wrapped them in plastic grocery bags and packed them with clothes in the packing cubes. Now I will hope that everything makes it safety. Somehow the airline managed to put a giant dent in a brand new metal water bottle I had in my luggage. So I will have my fingers crossed that nothing breaks. 
    I am glad I ended up with a whole day to pack things because I found out, even with a new suitcase, I do not have enough space for all the things I got this week. Bad Anne! So when I brought all the dolls and horses to the post office to ship I bought the biggest box they had and brought it back to see if I could get enough stuff packed in it to have room in the luggage for everything. I managed to get the box packed, and to the post office before they closed. It is mostly my special runs that I am not selling, and the event stablemates that I am only keeping one, but they will get home Friday. I can deal with them then. I don't think I put anything super important in the box to ship. But honestly, I am not 100% sure what I put in there at this point. 
     So packing, shipping, more packing, more shipping, more packing, and then Travis and I got some supper and decided to spend some time in the pool. It's not every day we have access to a pool after all. The indoor pool had a bunch of teenagers lounging on their phones, so I told Travis not to jump in the pool. Which is his favorite thing. But we also need to try to be a little bit respectful of the people around us. And he will SPLASH quite a lot. We tried the outdoor pool, but there were lots of people in it. So we came in to shower and chill with a movie. Tomorrow is airport day. 
      I just got my weekly progress report from Fitbit. And holy cow, 132,120 steps. That is pretty great! I am unlikely to have that many steps in a week for a long time. It hurt, kind of a lot at times, but it was a good week. I think I want to do it again next year. 


1 comment:

  1. I am in awe of your, not organization, but determination. I've been telling people I'm not set up to ship things out of Lexington. I never have done that. But now I've less excuse. I do agree that having an extra day is a necessity, because you never know what might happen.
