Monday, July 29, 2024

Working is Hard

      I haven't worked in 3 weeks. I don't think I have gone that long without working in... I don't even know how long. I did bits and pieces of things here and there but mostly I have not done any work for three weeks. It has been absolutely glorious. 
      I was obviously not going to "work" during horsefest, though I was selling dolls so I did end up working a bit. And then the Monday before we came back I packed and shipped a whole bunch of things from Kentucky. So small bits of work were finished. I guess to be accurate, I haven't really done anything in my studio in about 3 weeks. I meant to take two weeks off but I was so tired when I got back. So I took a vacation after my vacation. Anyone who is not new here knows that I work a lot. But I have not worked in a while. 
     I have been having a really nice summer. Horsefest was wonderful. I had such a good time. Though maybe I am more different from other people than I realized. By the time we were ready to come home I was absolutely ready to come home. It was nice to live in a hotel, to not clean things, to not wash dishes, but I was very ready to come back to my stuff. To not have to keep making trips to Walmart and Target because I needed some life-essential that I didn't know I needed or had run out of. Now that I took a trip I have an idea of what sorts of things I need to make sure to bring with me. I will be more prepared next year. And hopefully not have to spend as much money on things I already have. 
     I really missed dance while I was in Kentucky. I have made some really wonderful friends in the dance community. Travis has been welcomed in too and has also been making some friends of his own. We've gone to several dance nights and dance parties together. There has been so much dancing! It's wonderful. Today I went to school to help a friend and I stopped in the office. When I went up the main stairs, which I don't like to do, I realized that it doesn't hurt to climb those stairs anymore. I'm pretty sure that is from all the dancing. 
     It has been a struggle getting back into working. But today, I finally got into the studio for a while. I did start on some horse boots the other day and I got them finished up today. I haven't made horse boots in a couple of years I think. I didn't think I ever would again. But it was a special request so I gave it a shot. I got some doll clothes cut out and I started hairing a head too. It was a start. I let some orders sneak into my closed books, so I have to get things done. It's been almost motivating.  
     This is likely one of the most boring blog posts I have ever written. Especially after all the horsefest posts. But I am still here, struggling to get back into the swing of normal life and very much enjoying an actual break. Now that I have gotten back into work I am hoping I can keep some balance. I won't have much time to relax once school starts so I should make sure I do plenty of fun things now. Really recharge my batteries. It has been fantastic. 

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