Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Black Friday Sale Preview

       I am trying to keep up with all the things I need to do, but it's a struggle. I figured I would give a quick preview of at least some of the offerings I will have at my Black Friday semi-live sale. Some things are from my personal collection since I have decided to downsize, again. I don't have as many accessories as I sometimes have, I just have not had as much time this year to work on those types of things. 
      I do have some other items I might add if I find the energy to get photos. I am still struggling with Chrome not allowing me to load photos into blogger, I can't seem to connect my phone to my computer (or my car. Apparently it's too new and they are too old) so I had to download Firefox to my phone as a work-around. Nothing is easy these days and everything takes more time than it should. 
    So a quick rundown of the semi-live sale. It is going to run a little bit differently than the last couple/few. I just don't have to energy to make groups of thing. So if the thing is alone in the photo, you can claim the thing. No waiting. I am planning on listing single photo things about one a minute, and then every 10 or so items taking a break from the posts for maybe 5 minutes so I can catch up on the claims. To claim an item all you have to do is be the first to say "mine" under the photo when it posts on Friday. There will be no preview photos on the Facebook studio page, just a link to this blog post. 
    If there is more than one item in the photo I will put a number or a letter on them. Then to claim you just say mine and the number or letter. That's it. I also don't mind if you claim more than one item in a group photo. I do not have time or energy to police this. I have tried a number of different ways to be as fair as I possibly can and I have still had people complaining at me that it's not fair. Well, I'm tired and doing the best I can. All I can say is try your best. Use your fastest device. I know my computer has a delay compared to my phone, for example. All I can say is I hope you get what you are after. If you don't, and it's a doll, ask me if I'll make one like it. I might say yes. 
    I will be putting a more detailed schedule of when the items will post probably on Thursday. Maybe even tomorrow (Wednesday) if I manage to get it together so I can post it. I can say that the order of things in this post is very likely to be the order of the sale. Just to make things slightly easier on myself. Some items, like judge's kits, blankets, apples and carrots, I have more than one of. I will try to list this pertinent info on the claim photo. You are allowed to claim more than one if you want more than one. 
    I think that's all I have for right now. The semi-live sale will be this Friday, November 29, 2024 at 2:00 eastern time. You do not have to come to the live portion at all to claim items. I will maybe have trivia, but right now I have nothing ready. I do have the prize wheel that I brought to Breyerfest so I may just have a great time giving prizes for whatever random thing I think of. So if you want to join me to watch me dance around and sing the alphabet, check out the live portion of my live sale on Facebook on Friday. "See" you then!

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