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Region X Equine Xtravaganza

This past weekend was the Region X Equine Xtravaganza show which was held as a benefit show for region X regionals. It was a fun show and really was a benefit show. All the judges and the announcer were volunteers, the ribbons and rosettes were recycled from other shows and a large amount of money was raised. The start of the performance section, as with most shows, was a harness section. This is Kate Dwyer's four-in-hand entry that she has been working on for awhile. I made her dolls and she made all the harnesses. It amused me that the lady is the one driving :)
Lady Intrigue has been my main OF English horse for 2 or 3 years now and I thought it was time for a semi-retirement. She came to the show just to do the other English class with her therapeutic riding scene. I am working towards a superior event horse merit award and she still needs a few cards for that. So she came to the show and lucky for me the judge got a really good look at the scene before the arena wall came down and knocked everything off the table. My little Travis doll never even let go of the reins.
This is my new Bold Endeavor resin, Cloud Dancing. I named him the day before the show but I didn't much like the name he came with so I am glad I thought up something new. His first class of the day was other English performance. I set up a tennis ball relay game (like egg and spoon but with tennis balls and rackets) and that got him his first ribbon of the day with 6th place.
For trail Cloud Dancing tried a new sort of bridge entry. The pattern states that the horse should walk onto the bridge, stop, the rider must show the mail and then they walk off. I got to make tiny mail for this class and it was more interesting than simply standing on the bridge to I enjoyed it. The judge thought it was worth 4th place.
Cloud Dancing would not be suited for an over fences class (not in any way I can think of) but the class name was just "hunter" so I came up with this gate entry from a Handy Hunter class. It was not spectacular but it still did place (7th)
During lunch there were several fun classes set up (no NAN cards awarded). One of the classes was to create an "x" rates scene, but not dirty, region X related. I loved this very detailed set-up of region X regionals.
his entry needed to be photographed in two parts. This was the sign on the outside of the box...
...and this was the inside view! It amused me quite a bit.
This was a really cute set-up and I loved the details! The table was very nicely make, the ribbons and rosettes were adorable and the shirt the little girl is wearing is a very good representation of the region X logo. I love miniatures :)
Cloud Dancing tried out a team penning entry for his other working western (with stock) entry. He managed 5th place.
Cloud Dancing was in a western riding scene in the other western performance class. With so little in the way of a set-up (he had footing and a couple of cones) I didn't think he would do well. I guess his simple entry was perfect for him though since he got second place!
Western pleasure was the second class Cloud Dancing got first place in. Though I completely forgot to take a picture of the trail class.
Skippa Latte came to the show just for the Other ethnic/historical/parade class. She needed a couple more NAN cards in "other" classes for her performance versitility award. I made both the costume and the doll and am happy to say that they got second place in a fairly large class (though I did forget to count the entries). Perhaps by the next show I will have a pad that I actually like.
Cloud Dancing got third in his other Showmanship/other performance class. Pretty good considering it was a big class with a mixture of all sorts of entries. I am sure with some effort I can improve it a bit more.
I tried uploading the photo several times and it always came out sideways (even when I flipped it in different ways) so this is what we are stuck with. But Cloud Dancing had a very good first show and came away with overall performance champion. I plan on taking him to another performance show in a couple of weeks as well. This time maybe I will remember to take pictures of everything :)
I forgot to take a bunch of photos, including the one where Cloud Dancing got second in the Native American costume class with the costume I made. I had a very stress free show since I mostly showed one horse and only had a handful of resins to show in the halter classes. But it was the first show of the year and I spent a lot of time socializing. It was a great show and a lot of fun. My next show I plan on reminding myself to actually use the camera.
Congratulations on your wins!
Great job to you and your models!
If you dont mind my asking, in the second picture from the bottom, (the bright chestut Afleet Alex mold) Do you by any chance know to whom he belongs?
Hi Karen,
I have no clue who that horse belongs to. I recognize a few CMs and ARs but usually can't tell one OF from another. Except for a very very rare few
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