Sunday, April 23, 2023

Customer Photos- Ann Harris

     Sometimes, when you put things out in the world, you get a response. The other day I did a post with customer photos and said that I would love photos of the dolls I have made in action, if anyone else wanted to share them. Ann Harris came through this this set of photos from QVPO last Fall. 
     Ann is an incredibly experienced shower and always makes sure to have a clean entry. She starts with a correct entry, with everything safe, and then adds elements to give the entry more depth and realism. I believe this entry is sorting, maybe ranch sorting (I should have asked, I was just enjoying the pictures, lol) and not only is the rider looking where she is going, which is the same direction her horse is looking, there are extra cows to make everything more realistic. 
   A callback placed on the table does not have to be correct, I have had untacked callback with dolls hanging off them in weird ways, and since it is (usually) the points that matter, the way the horse is placed on the table doesn't much matter. But this doll, the tack, and the horse, all look really great together. Even for callbacks. 
     There is a lot of action in this cross country entry. The horse and rider both look focused on what they are doing, the tack is all in the correct place, and it's just nice to look at. I miss my Hazel resin. I have not had her in many years. 
    And here is Hazel yet again, with a different rider. I am not really sure what class this is, but by the boots I would say it is likely a jumper class. And, as usual, all the tack is in place, safe, and the rider is part of the scene, not just plopped on at the end. Ann makes excellent use of her dolls. 
    This entry again shows an excellent use of a doll. The pair is clearing brush and the doll is focused on what she is doing, while trusting her horse to go where he needs to go. I love an entry that is nice to look at. And we all know I love when people can make dolls look less like dolls!
     Thank you Ann for sharing your photos with me and for letting me share them here. I haven't been to a show since the end of 2019 and what I miss the most, other than the people, is seeing all of the really cool performance entries. So I will put out the call again, if anyone has photos of dolls I made in action, whether at a fun photo shoot or a show, even photo show pics, and they will allow me to share them, please send me an email at Thanks so much!

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