Sunday, September 22, 2024


     Stress is a very complex thing. Currently, I have financial stress, job stress, and home stress. I am one big ball of stress. Which is incredibly tough for me since normally I am a very chill person. But right now I am struggling. I have financial stress because of a debt from the dim past that jumped up and bit, buying a new furnace, and a variety of other things. I am bad at having debt and while I realize digging out of that is not going to be instantaneous, it is causing me a lot of stress because it is not a place I am used to being. And I don't want to get comfortable with the debt, I want it to go away. I am trying to be patient. 
     I have job stress because many things are new at school this year. Some of them are quite positive but a lot of them are quite the opposite. I am struggling with the day-to-day because I see issues that should not exist, I have said things about them to a lot of people (who could help change the things) and nothing currently seems to be getting done about them. I can't be content to watch the system fail the kids the way the system failed Travis. I am trying to be the change I want to see in the world but I am afraid I am currently fighting a losing battle. Paras are rarely even treated like adults, let alone adults worth listening to. I have basically no power in the grand scheme of education. This is intentionally vague because it has to be. 
    I have home stress because my trailer park is being sold. And the man who has in an offer is not someone that we want to own our park. So I am on the board (which I don't have time for) to try to help get us together into a co-op to buy it ourselves. But the buyer put in an offer that skirts the edge of even being legal under the Right of First Refusal law. And everything with that is a struggle. I am tired, overly busy, and I would really just like a break. 
    I was dropping Travis off at Elecktra's place a week or so ago and I saw she had a pile of Squishmallows. This pink unicorn was on the top of the pile. So I picked it up and squished it. I haven't actually touched a Squishmallow before and had no idea just how huggable they are. Elecktra insisted I take this one, she said she went a little nuts and had too many, and I hugged and squished it all the way to the car. Then it rode to school with me and was there to greet me when I got in the car to go home. Currently, it lives on my desk chair and makes a lovely, super comfy, back cushion when I am typing. 
     My friend Brandi is brilliant. In so many ways really, but in this case I am speaking of language learning. She has been learning German and said she bought a book she knows very well in English to help her with her German. I have been doing a variety of learning with my Spanish, including listening to podcasts meant for new Spanish learners, watching TV in Spanish with the subtitles on (the CC descriptions are distracting and I can't figure out how to turn them off), and listening to music in Spanish. I also have books and use Duolingo daily. But I decided I needed to try reading a book (not a learn-Spanish book) in Spanish. On our weekly coffee dates to Barnes and Noble I spent a lot of time in the Spanish language section trying to figure out a book that I knew well enough in English to read it in Spanish. I found several I have read, but I don't know them well enough to be useful (the closest was Animal Farm, but I haven't even read it in years at this point). So I settled on Green Eggs and Ham. I can recite that book in English so I figured I could probably learn some Spanish with it. Though from the very first page I know it is definitely not a word-for-word translation. Oh well, I can learn something anyway. 
     Part of my financial stress is doll making. I have a whole lot of dolls for sale and none of them seem to be selling at the moment. I have posted them on Model Horse Connections and on the doll maker group on Facebook, so I at least have remembered to list them. But other than once in a while, things have been quite slow for me with doll sales. If anyone is in need of a doll, I have a wide variety available at the moment on MHC at this point I am probably even open to commissions. Not every project will be something I am willing to take on, but if you need something, and I don't have what you are looking for, please send me an email at and we'll see if it's something I can do for you. 
     Something that is not stressful for me is Friday starting at 2:30 when I get out of work. Friday is the best day of the week. When I get out I go and pick Travis up from Sunshine Village and we go to Barnes and Noble for our weekly coffee date. We get our coffee at the Starbucks in there and he picks out a new book. Sometimes I get a new book as well, though I still have a lot of books to read so I have been trying to be good. After our coffee date we come home and have supper and then go out dancing. It is a long day but so much fun. Even when I am in the worst mood (like when a skunk sprays my house and everything I own stinks) dancing will bring me out of it. Too bad every day wasn't Friday, I'd probably have a lot less stress. 


timaru star ii said...

Hang in there mi amiga. Sometimes life hands us too many overlapping worlds! But they're always moving. The orbits will separate in time. I think your organizing skills will stand you in good stead. As for your dolls, I saw some of them at the Tioga show yesterday -- good show! Lo siento mucho por tu mal dueno. You're not alone in this. Sometimes change is unexpectedly to the good.

Gretchen Haskett said...

Oh I'm sorry. These days teachers barely have any influence on what and how to teach, so I imagine it's far worse for parapros. The educational system is run by highly liberal individuals, yet has become extremely restrictive. It's not what most people on the outside imagine it to be.