Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Baby Steps

    I got absolutely no doll work done today. I meant to do a little bit, but that didn't happen. I have a vaulting doll to make and I wanted to at least get her basic outfit on. I got it sewn yesterday but putting a 2 piece outfit together in a way that looks like it is all one piece is tricky. Anyway, Anna Blackburn had a very interesting order in and she is OK with me sharing. So the big secret that I was keeping was miniature feathers. Anna asked me to make a Dani Goldberg doll. I didn't know who she was (I often don't know who anyone is) so I googled her. Google knows everything. I am very glad I checked because at first I thought that Dani had just fun colored hair. Nope, feathers. I have spent a lot of time since Anna put in her order trying to find miniature feathers. Because what I want exists, I have seen it. I have held it in my hand. But other than the miniatures fair I don't know where to find it. 
    So I was stressing thinking about the feathers and I remembered years ago my friend Fabian gave me some miniature eagle feathers (to be clear, they are not real eagle feathers, just minis painted to look like eagle feathers). Which led me to remember that you can paint feathers and have them still look like feathers. So I got out my collection of different colored feathers and started trimming them to about 1 inch long. I just did a few and then painted them to try it out, but it worked! Super horrible photo, but it is all the doll work progress I have to share for today. Baby steps. 
     Part of the reason I didn't have time to get to any doll work was unified track started today. Finally. We were supposed to start last Monday but there were delays in staffing. It was an absolutely beautiful day. Even with the insane wind, it was in the mid-60's and sunny. I hear tomorrow is going to be colder. That sucks. Anyway, we have a few new kids on the team this year so the coach had us all going to each of the stations to just try them out. Travis doesn't love javelin, but he gave it a try again. He did also try shot put and long jump, which he does like, but I forgot a picture. I end up taking tons of pictures of track through the season. I am the officially unofficial photographer. But today I just got the one pic of Travis. He had fun and that is a great way to start the season. 
    Another big reason I had no time for doll work was bread. I got a new keto cookbook in the mail today and it is ALL bread recipes. So I decided to try out this sandwich bread recipe. It is not super hard to make or necessarily super easy. You have to separate the eggs (which I sort of like doing) and you have to whip the egg whites. And then fold the mixture of the other ingredients into the egg whites. It doesn't mix perfectly so you sort of end up with white speckled bread in the end. 
     But it sure it tasty. I can't quite decide if it has a bit of eggy flavor or not (6 eggs in this somewhat small loaf). It is soft. It's not overly spongy though. It was a bit crumbly but not horribly so. And did I mention it was tasty? I had some with butter and without butter and I really enjoyed it both ways. The loaf was beautiful when I took it out of the oven, but I forgot to get a photo. Anyway, this is a good bread which sadly I can't share the recipe for because it was out of a cookbook and not free off the internet. But for my nut allergy friends, this wouldn't work anyway (almond flour). I still want to try out soul bread and see how that is. And now that I see what is in this keto bread cookbook I kind of want to order the other one I was debating and see if that one has anything worth eating in it. 
      So no doll work today but it was a good day. Tomorrow we also have track practice but I don't need to make any bread so I should be able to fit in at least a bit of doll work when we get home. If I just keep on picking away at the work I will get them done eventually. Right now it's all about baby steps. 

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