Thursday, April 4, 2019

I need more hours in the day

     I woke up a half hour early and my first thought was, I should get up so I can get some heads prepped to bring to school and work on. Seriously. And after I did all the things I need to do to get Travis and I ready to go I did start taking the hair out of doll heads. Then my sleepy brain remembered I had the wonderful already bald heads from KC's Galloping Gals, and I just grabbed a couple of those. After that I got out some invisible thread and started working on turning two pieces of an outfit into one. It is possible, I have done it before. And once I am done I can sort of disguise the join with the patterns on the outfit. Right now this is in the ugly stage. There are so many ugly stages in doll making.
        I brought 2 heads to school and I worked on, and finished, one during 1st period. So I have gotten a couple of tiny pieces of the vaulting doll worked on today. I have a long way to go, but at least I am picking away at it.
    We had another track practice this afternoon and while it was colder today, and still windy, it went really well. I decided that I was not going to be a slacker so I did 40 squats in the parking lot while I waited for Travis's bus. I also did 40 sit-ups, in sets of 10 throughout the practice. I did all the stretches with the kids, I did the running, sometimes with the kids, I did long jump once... I was pretty proud of me. I feel those squats already. They were all the way down. I will feel them a lot tomorrow, lol. When I got home I did 11 pushups (modified, still can't do a real one)
    Here's a picture of Travis working on his long jump. I did't manage a great jump shot yet, but eventually I will get one. The season just started after all.
    When I got home I worked some more on Anna's vaulting doll. It is still in the ugly stage but she is closer to having a full body suit. This is going to take a bit of doll magic to hide the join, but I am sure I can do it. Hopefully Anna won't mind a small amount of creative license with the design so I can make this work. 
    In our world of low carb eating we had a repeat. I made the low carb beef stroganoff again, though instead of putting it on zoodles I made mashed cauliflower to put it on. That was way better! Plus I was very liberal with the salt, pepper and paprika. The flavor was excellent. And Ethan was right, it is good with parmesan. Though I felt it was also really good without it. 
     After supper we had to go do a bit of grocery shopping but when we got home I had a bit of time to sneak in a little bit more doll work. I had to paint a helmet for a customer whose doll took a header off a table. I really wish there were nice plastic helmets that fit on Yvonne/Gracie. Maybe someday. For now I will keep sculpting and painting them. And painting feathers. My collection of yellow feathers is getting larger, but I have a long way to go. I need to see if I have any more pale feathers left but I may just need to go to Joann's and get some white feathers and start trimming. I probably need at least 50 more. And potentially a lot more than that. I was reading that Dani has about 500 in her hair. I am not doing that, lol! But I want the doll to be as close as possible. So I need a lot more.
    Tomorrow is the Best Buddies dance and I am going with Travis to help chaperone. Really I am going to make sure he doesn't eat a whole bunch of things he is not supposed to. I don't think most people get that we have him on a low carb diet to help his autism, not because we want to be difficult. I don't like telling him he can't eat things, but he is doing so much better these days. Anyway, I get to see my kid in a tie and watch him dance and have a great time. That will be nice. The only thing that sucks is it will cut into my already very limited dolling time! Looks like I need to try to fit in a bit on the weekend. And I will be hairing another doll head at school tomorrow. Maybe by the end of the weekend... or the end of Monday, I might be able to finish up the vaulting doll. It's a goal. Track season is so busy!
    This is officially post #41 for 2019. Which means I have 2 more posts than my most blogged year, which was 2010. And it is only April 4th. I am really hoping I can keep this up. And that I am not boring the crap out of everyone. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on so much exercise and 'feeling it all the way down!' I finally started running again.. Yes tack season is 'verie busie,' but you seem to have the knack for squeezing in. I want to squeeze in that when I need miniature feathers, like plumes on a horse's head and harness, I use rabbit fur. It comes in colors like red, courtesy Cabela's and other fly-fishing stores.
