Saturday, April 6, 2019

Crazy Busy Day

     Yesterday I had just about no time for doll work other than a couple of bits and pieces at odd times. That was because it was the Best Buddies prom. And this guy is one of the most important people in my life. It sucks for Travis that his mom goes to the prom as one of the chaperones, but I need to make sure he sticks to his low carb, no sugar eating. It has done such great things for him. 
     For anyone that is curious, Best Buddies is a group that brings together kids with disabilities and typical kids, to form friendships. Travis's buddy this year is Meghann, a girl who is also on the unified track team. And one of my track daughters. She is a great kid. The Best Buddies prom is a wonderful thing to go to. Imagine being in a room full of super happy people. Pure happiness is such a rare thing. A whole room full of it is a wonderful thing to see. 
     I also decided that every prom should have someone making balloon animals. I love cool things like that! The last Jack and Jill party I went to had face painting! Anyway, Travis waited very patiently in line and got himself this really cool green dinosaur. Who is named T-Rex according to Travis. 
       I had to ask a few times before Travis gave in and took this selfie with me. I think it's great that we are all smiling. Even T-Rex! And I want to point out that Travis chose this outfit himself several years ago for a wedding we went to. The kid has good taste. 
    So the prom cut into my doll work time, but I needed a break anyway. I have been going flat out for awhile now. The crazy way I write, going from topic to topic, sometimes incredibly quickly, is how my life feels most of the time. I have been getting a lot done, but it is tiring. 
      Thursday I decided to do a whole bunch of sit-ups, squats and push-ups and I did another 45 squats yesterday. And I walked/or danced about 18,000 steps. I happened to notice last night that I am starting to get a bit of ab definition. So instead of doing just my 25 minute stretching DVD today I first did the 25 minute core workout and then the 25 minutes of stretching. I really needed the stretching, it kind of hurts to walk today. And my arms hurt, and my chest hurts and now my abs hurt... but I am starting to get definition! Still fluffy, but the abs are coming! And yes, I have the ugliest bathroom ever. It was done in the 60's and we have not gotten around to updating it yet. It's on the list. 
     Anna's vaulting doll is well underway. She needs her head and her slippers and I think that is it now. I got so much more done on her today in between other things I was doing. I can hopefully finish her up tonight or tomorrow. She is so close after all. She is not exactly like the reference photo, but I like how she is coming out. I hope Anna likes her too. 
      In low carb eating news I think I have found just about the best bread ever. Well, at least it is the best low carb bread I have made so far. This is one of the variations of soul bread and it really is pretty amazing. I found that I could cut it into incredibly thin slices, so I did. I got 23 out of the loaf, though I think next time I might go for somewhat thicker. The bread has a decent texture, not too spongy and it is soft. It's a tiny bit greasy but not too much. It has a nice flavor that is not overpowering in any way. I would recommend using a full size loaf pan. I used a medium pan and the bread has so much rise that some spilled over into the bottom of the oven. Anyway, bread stats: 23 slices, 95 calories each, 7g fat, 1 carb, 7g protein. So this is actually a really decent bread. It is low carb, sugar free, gluten free, keto friendly and great for grilled cheese. Definitely my favorite low carb bread so far. 
     I also put together the unicorn daisy kit that Nicole got me for my birthday. She had a pink and unicorn theme going (she got me the sleep mask as well). I suck at growing things so they may never come up, but it's pink and fits on my windowsill. I like it.
        I had some housework to do and errands to run but I did manage to build this cowboy curtain. All of this got done today, in between doing all the other things I was doing. I think it came out pretty nicely. And now I have one more prop ready for the show next weekend. Yay for getting stuff done!
     I also got started on the bridge I needed. Since my friend Joan is painting me poles, I built the cowboy curtain and the bridge is well under way, all of the props I ordered a year ago and never got are covered. I need to trim the edge of the bridge and stain it and this will also be done. I think that is probably another 30-45 minutes of work max. It will be good to cross something else off my list. 
      So that was my day so far. It's 7:30 and I probably have time to work on and finish the vaulting doll but I don't think I am going to. I will see about getting her done tomorrow. I may trim some more feathers or I may stop working and see if I can read or something. I can't just keep on going and going forever after all. But I am pleased with my progress and think it was a pretty great day all around. Hopefully tomorrow I can be just as productive. 

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