Sunday, April 7, 2019


      My expectations of what I can manage may be unrealistic. I have been sort of expecting to just keep going and going without any down-time. Because do I actually NEED time to just sort of do nothing? Apparently the answer to that is yes. I have been fighting myself all day to get things done. I did actually manage some things. I worked more on the bridge I started yesterday. Do you know how easy it is to stain wood with a wood stain marker? It's super fast and super easy. I like when things are fast and easy. Most things in my life are neither. 
    So now I have my new bridge completed. It took me a very short amount of time, it was not very costly in materials and it's done. Which is my favorite part of it. I also really like how it came out. And did I mention it was easy? The cowboy curtain I made yesterday was a bit harder, but not too much. So my props I have been wanting are done, I have them in the props tote and I got to cross a couple more items off my to-do list. And my show prep list because these projects were actually on both lists.
     I did manage a T25 workout, but getting started and getting through it was a bit of a struggle. My whole body still hurts from all the extra working out I have been doing lately. I don't know if it's the soreness making me drag today or if maybe I have a small illness that doesn't do much more than make me feel rundown. Probably just workout soreness. So I am pushing through because I can't quit now!
    I did manage to cut some more yellow feathers for the Dani doll. I may have enough yellow ones done at this point. Maybe, maybe not. I was planning on just cutting down white feathers and painting the red ones I need, but right this second I am feeling lazy and sort of want to just go but the dyed red feathers at Joann's. But then I think of how many extra red feathers that would leave me with. And I really don't need a ton of feathers. I will probably cut down white feathers and paint them. Just not today. 
      I was hoping to get the vaulting doll finished today but I don't think that is happening. I really do need some down-time and I have not really allowed myself any of that in awhile. Not only did I finish my bridge prop and workout but I also put more purple in my hair because it was looking horrible, I cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen and now I really need to read Travis's IEP that came in the mail, make sure it is everything it is supposed to be, and then sign it and send it back. But that seems daunting too right now. I am having a very draggy Sunday and really just want to go lay on my bed and read a book. Maybe I can get to that in a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the bridge! I wouldn't've thought of that -- very useful info.
    And of course a person needs down time. I've found even triumph can be draining. Give your body a rest - heed that inner voice.
