Wednesday, April 17, 2019


     I am trying very hard to write some show report posts. I also have one planned about the Buxton/Rossi Rivalry surrounding the over fences class at Candyland Live. But so far I am distracted.  I can't stop making tiny candy. This may seem like it was inspired by Jennifer Buxton's cool Candyland jump with all the tiny candy on it, but it's not. I have a candy race set-up I have been doing for the past 4 or 5 years. Sunday, this was the amount of candy I had in it. The peeps are borrowed from my friend Nancy and the large candy bars are just dollhouse miniatures (more like Barbie miniatures) I got from ebay. Sad bunch of candy for a candy race...
    So last night I started working on more candy. It needed to happen. 
     And this morning I got up and worked on more files for printing different kinds of candy and got them set up and sized, printed and glossed and then I started working on more candy. This was my small batch I already had, the stuff from last night and the new stuff I started on this morning. 
     I also started to make small bags of snack foods because I have a random crazy idea for a scene that involved snack foods among other things. So that happened. As I often do, I brought the stuff I was working on to the laundromat. I talked to some really nice old ladies about handmade stuff and they admired my tiny candy. I really don't care who watches me make stuff, and if they are nice and friendly that is a bonus!
    When I came home I worked on making more candy and more snack foods. I don't think it is enough! I don't think it will ever be enough! I feel like I wasted precious candy making time messaging with people and cooking supper! I need to make more tiny candy! But first I had to write a blog post and now I need to wash the dishes. And then I can make some more miniature candy. 
    I may have to cut myself off totally from candy making tomorrow. I need to get back to work on dolls. I picked up some red feathers today to work more on Anna's Dani doll. I need to get those finished. I know she says no rush, but they are starting to loom. So I need to get them finished up. Plus, I hate making people wait. And once the dolls are done maybe I can make some more candy...

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