Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Last minute details

     Sunday I attended performance day of the Long Island Model Horse Expo (LIMHE) in Long Island, NY. But Saturday was about last minute details. I pulled down the 6 horses that I was planning on showing and started working on tacking up so I could get everyone packed and ready to go. It's always good to have horses tacked ahead of time, especially when your drive to the show in the morning is over 3 hours and you might end up a little later to the hall than you usually like to arrive. 
     I also finally made the new lead for Caramel Latte's showmanship halter. The halter was a gift from my friend Fabian and looks so great on her. But you might remember I stole the lead off of it to add to a halter I made for Halestorm. Sometimes you have to do these things. I did send out a plea for help with matching leather so I could replace the lead. And several people came through at SNEWRU. So now Caramel Latte has a new lead and I got to cross something else off of my show-prep to-do list. 
    I also did manage to finish up my new cowboy doll. He has a custom painted head that I got from ebay. It was sculpted to look like Christian Bale. I am very pleased with this new cowboy and I was very glad to get him finished. I didn't end up using him at the show though. Actually he may have ended up in my picnic scene. I will have to check the photos. 
      While I was doing some last minute shopping before the show I saw this flavor of Polar seltzer. It is called Unicorn Kisses and doesn't really say what it tastes like. But I figured it was the perfect seltzer to bring to a model horse show. It is pretty good. Though sort of pricey for the amount you get. 
     I also got this really fun photo from Liesl Dalpe this weekend. This is the original Loping Leggs hanging out with Little Leggies. This really shows the size difference and makes me want my Little Leggies even more! Not that I have managed to paint anything since February, But that is not the point! I'm not positive when the minis are coming out but I know that the regular orders are opening up the beginning of May (if I am remembering correctly) which leads me to believe the pre-orders will go out before that. Again, I am really not sure. But I am excited for him!
    I have been wanting to try out this new bread recipe. It is made from coconut flour and has enough oil in it that I felt it would not be dry. My friend Carra has a nut allergy so I try to make sure to get a good sample of coconut flour recipes in my trials. This one was odd to make, and I think the food processor was really a must, though in the recipe it was put in as a suggestion. 
    I will not be making this bread again. The flavor was decent, it held together well and made OK sandwiches. But it has sort of a spongy feeling to it. I don't know if some of that was because I added extra water because the psyllium husk was overpowering the water (it was supposed to mix and make a gel-like substance. It did not mix because there was not enough water!). I had a piece with just butter and it did have sort of an eggy taste to it. That may have been because there were 2 cups of egg whites plus 2 whole eggs in it! For the amount of eggs though it was not too eggy. But the texture was very strange. I am not a fan of this bread. 
    Even though it bakes up really huge and looks kind of nice. 
     What I am a fan of is this new kind of ice cream my friend Eliza told me about. It makes me so happy! It is made from actual cream (like ice cream should be...) unlike the Enlightened which is made with skim milk. Every flavor they make is sweetened with erythritol and monk fruit sweetener. So no sugar in any of them (also unlike Enlightened, which many of their flavors have sugar along with the erythritol). I still have to drive 35 minutes to get to the store that carries this ice cream. But it is really good! I am a vanilla ice cream kind of girl and judge most brands by their vanilla. And Rebel is a good brand with a really good vanilla. 
     I have a bunch of pics from LIMHE to organize so I can share about the show. I also want to share some more stuff about Jackie's Link doll and her set-up from Candyland Live. I'm on vacation this week so will also have some more time to work on dolls and can probably share some stuff about them too. And I have another show in 2 weeks, QVPO is coming up, so I very likely have some kind of show prep I can talk about! Busy, busy, busy!


  1. Little Legs needs a parade set !!! I didn't know there was one in mini version.

  2. Little Leggs is new and was only up for pre-orders so far. Orders will open up again the beginning of May so you have a chance to get one, and make him a parade set!
