Monday, April 29, 2019

Fox Haven Farm

     Saturday, after we went to the West Stafford Fire Department, we went to Fox Haven Farm in Windham Connecticut. That is Liesl Dalpe's farm. They are still working on building the farm, but it is still a great looking place! 

     We had a really nice time walking around and seeing the horses. I can't say we enjoyed the weather since it was super chilly that day. 

    The dogs joined us on the walk and this one, Levi (pupper), could not figure out why Travis would not pay attention to him. He tried jumping up and down in front of him, jumping off dirt piles in spectacular fashion. Travis was not impressed. Poor pupper!
      Any day we can see horses is a good day. 
    We'll need to go back when it's warmer. But it was great to see Liesl's farm and hang out with her and Marisa (Evans) Spence who also came out to the farm. 
     Brittany wasn't sure about the weather, or the new mailbox that got put up. 
     Really guys, why did you change the mailbox???
     Leggs was a bit grumpy about the cold (and that new mailbox!)  but she posed for this one photo. 

    I missed getting the pics of the other horses and I don't remember everyone's name. I didn't get to meet Bailey, as he was off at horsie bootcamp. So we'll have to go down when he is home. 
    This weekend was very nice for Travis and I. We had the trip to the firehouse, the trip to the farm and then we met up with a bunch of hobby people to go out to dinner. It was fantastic. Though the weekend was not without bumps in the road. 
     I was thinking this morning of what to say about it. How do we get back to normal? I think the solution is to keep communicating. If you are not sure about something, ask questions. Don't assume. We are all guilty of it at some point. And often our assumptions are wrong. We should also try to remember everyone's feelings. We all have feelings and it's not right to ostracize anyone or gang up on anyone. Last Tuesday I was at an autism conference and there was an award given to "sensory Santa". He is an amazing man who is excellent with kids, especially kids who are a bit more scared of Santa. After he received his award he asked to say a few words and he shared a story with us about a wonderful thing he learned from a little boy with autism. This little boy was a little more nervous than most but he did finally go and sit with Santa. Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas. This little boy said he just wanted everything to be a little bit better. I think that is an excellent thing to strive for. And if we all try to be a bit nicer to each other I think things will start to be a little bit better for everyone.

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