Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Low carbs and crafts

     We all end up falling down rabbit-holes once in awhile. We start talking about one thing and end up spending a ton of time on a side subject. Or we are doing something, get distracted by something else, and then spend a ton of time on the distraction. Hmm, maybe that is just me. Last month Maire introduced me to Spoonflower. I bought so much cool fabric and I have not done anything with it. So I finally remedied that. I made a bunch of cute western saddle pads. I will likely make more of these when I get a chance. They are cute and fun and amuse me. 
      I also made the soul bread again. I used a slightly bigger pan and this time it did not overflow. I have now made this bread 3 times, I think it is my current favorite. It is not a perfect bread replacement, but it is tasty, works well in any bread capacity, and is easy to make. Plus there are NO flours of any kind in it. Which means it is gluten free, nut free, though it is NOT dairy free. 
    Another recent favorite is this 90 second microwave bread. This one is made with almond flour so it's not great for everyone, but it works for me (and Travis). I have been leaving it in one thick piece, buttering both sides and grilling it and adding syrup. It's a lot like thick French toast! If I actually dipped it in egg first I think it would be perfect thick French toast. And that may happen soon. But it is fast to make (about 30 seconds to mix up and then 90 seconds in the microwave) and frying it is fast. It's a tasty side dish for breakfast or if you are like me, a quick breakfast in itself. I have stopped the intermittent fasting for now. For the most part anyway.  
    The syrup I use is this one. I have also used the Lakanto one but don't like it as much because it's very thin. Though it does taste like maple syrup.
    The other night I also decided I needed to make another cowboy curtain. So I spent some time cutting wood, cutting ribbons, staining the wood pieces and gluing. 

    I think it turned out pretty well. I like the color combination. This week I need to hair some doll heads for a guy doing a comic book character display at some big convention. And I have a few dolls that I need to start working on. Finding the time is tricky. It's still the busy season for me. We have another track meet tomorrow. 
     I am still trying for normal and it is still hard. Some people have said some fairly hurtful things about Travis, and really, me as well. I am not sure why they think it OK. Or why some people seem to be so scared of him. I guess I will just keep doing what I do and hope that people can learn to be accepting of differences. We don't all need to love each other, or even like each other. But if we can aim for a little more understanding and a little more tolerance, I think the world would be a better place. 

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