Tuesday, May 28, 2019

So this happened

      Today I got to see Travis in his graduation gown. This is the only chance I will have to see this. 
     This was my chance to get my picture taken with him in his gown. He came to LHS for senior farewell and the senior walkthrough. I bought the cap and gown just for this. He's not walking in graduation because he would absolutely hate that. It makes me a little sad but it doesn't mean the same thing to him that it did to Elecktra when she graduated. Right after the walkthrough Travis went to the senior picnic. At least he got to be part of some of the more fun senior activities. 

     Tomorrow are the unified track state finals. They are long and sort of far away. So I wanted to make some extra snacks and treats to bring. So I made these chocolate chip muffins. I was looking through my stack of Keto cookbooks on Sunday and I realized I have not used them all that much. So I made these muffins out of my Keto Cravings cookbook that Ethan got me for my birthday. They look tasty and they contain no nuts of any kind so I can bring them on the bus and not cause any issues. I hope they taste as good as they look.

    So this picture didn't happen today, it was last Monday. Savannah, one of my track girls (who is graduating!) got some pictures of me running. I am usually the one taking pictures so there have not been any of me in action. But I really do run! And tomorrow there will be even more running. Hopefully there is no rain and Travis will feel like going FAST for the meet!

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