Thursday, May 30, 2019

MIAA Unified Track State Finals

     Yesterday we went to the Unified Track State Finals. Travis did an excellent job in his 400m race. He got 2nd! He very proudly showed off his medal. He could have easily gotten first, he was so fast! But he decided to walk a bit, it was a close second. And he had so much fun. 
     He did an excellent job in his long jump. 6th place. He had a great time and jumped HUGE! He took off about 3 feet back from the line, so his distance was shorter than his jump. But again, he was having an excellent time and he put in an excellent effort!
     It was a long day. We hung out in the very chilly weather, with the constant threat of rain. He talked about how last year's weather was SO different (97, sunny and humid). 

     Travis had a great day. 
     He also competed in the 4x400m relay with his team. We don't have the results of that yet. So I will leave with with Travis's silly picture. It was a long, chilly, super fun day! Other than the banquet, track is done for next season. But I am sure Travis and I will keep running over the summer. We need to stay fit for next season!

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