Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Unified track, head hairing and recipes

     I work with the unified track team at Ludlow High School. I actually get to be Travis's 1:1 para on the team. I work with the whole team but my focus is helping Travis. Which is amazing. This is the third year that there has been a unified team and the third year Travis has participated in it. It has been wonderful to see him improve each year. During practices the first year Travis would often ask to go home early. I would try to get him to stay a bit longer but sometimes he had just had enough. This year he wants to be at track and often wants to stay when it's time to go home. 
     One of his events is the long jump. That guy has super long legs so it makes sense that he would do long jump. And he loves to jump!
     His other field event is the shot put. During the last practice he was working more on form. Hopefully today he can get some really far throws. 
     The coach loves the analytic side of things. After each meet she makes a little sheet for every athlete to show them their distances and times. After the last meet we learned that Travis has improved ALL of his distances and times from the first meet! That is amazing news! I don't have any pictures of running, since I have to run with him for encouragement. We have another meet today and I am hoping for more improvement. A little at a time. 
     I was on my way to a class yesterday and I noticed this bumper sticker on the classroom door of one of the history teachers. It has been there for years as far as I know, but somehow I never really took note of it. I had to stop and get a picture of it. I feel it is a very important sentiment. 
     I have been talking about hairing some doll heads for a guy doing comic book dioramas and here is one of them. It takes a lot longer to fully hair and style a head than to partially hair and style a head for under a hat or helmet. But it came out well and he loves it. I have two more to go but I am waiting on some redder red hair to come in the mail. I only need a few hours tops to finish up the other two heads. I just need to hair. It's been nice having some sort of different orders to deal with.
     And speaking of different, I have a couple of very different dolls in my order book at the moment. I will get into those soon. And I have permission to share about one of them. I haven't asked about sharing the other one yet.
    Last night I made a buffalo chicken casserole. I completely forgot to put the spices into it and found I was out of spinach when I went to make it. So I will need to make this again. It was still really good. I will definitely make this again, and not just because I forgot a bunch of ingredients. 
    I almost managed to not have any ice cream last night. But I kept thinking about ice cream so I finally had some. And I asked Ethan if he wanted any. He did and he wanted peanut butter soup and chocolate chips on it. So the ice cream is Rebel vanilla (which is SO good!) and the peanut butter is unsweetened 365 brand. The chocolate chips are Lily's. I just had ice cream with a little bit of peanut butter, but it was fun to make the sundae for Ethan. 
    I don't think I will have time to make any interesting food for supper. Or try out any new recipes. Maybe this weekend. And maybe I can get some heads haired or dolls worked on. I need more hours in the day!

1 comment:

  1. Red hair and ice cream. Now there's a combo!

    I agree about the ignorance being violence. It is so true, especially in a professor's house. Carry it further: Your own ignorance of the one who is ignorant of you...
