Sunday, June 2, 2019

quick updates

     I think I've mentioned, the end of the school year is sort of wild and very tiring. Track is now done, so I do have a little bit more time in my schedule. I had to do another version of these haired heads. But they are done and sent off and now I can work on moving on to other things. I also dremeled a bunch of dolls so I can work on a variety of hunt seat and youth hunt seat dolls. I have several in the works.
     Yesterday I took this guy out for breakfast. He seemed to enjoy it. I enjoyed that the place had ice coffee as an option and one of my students came out to say hi. I forgot he worked there. And so many of them don't acknowledge me in public so that was a nice thing. 
     It was a good mail day and I got a variety of miniatures in. The tennis balls are way oversized for 1:9 scale, but the rackets are, I think, perfect. They do make giant tennis balls so I am thinking I might put those in the jester scene. But they might just look out of scale, not extra large novelty things. The teddy bears are adorable and the beach pail is a bit undersized. But I got a bunch of miniatures in the mail and that is always a good mail day. 
     I have no idea if I will do any doll work at all today. It is cloudy and threatening rain again, so it is not a good playing outside kind of day. Though maybe Travis and I will go to the track for a bit before the rain starts. That might be a nice start to the day.

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