Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Of course I didn't driving 32 miles to buy fabric

      I love fabric. And glitter and bling and other shiny things. I know I have said that before, it's still true. I also have *plenty* of fabric. That doesn't mean I don't want to buy more. And Sunday Travis and I took a road trip to Joann's in Manchester, CT, to see if I could find fabric that I didn't have locally. I have been in that Joann's before, I am sure, but not in a long time. I had forgotten how ginormous it is. Row after row of fabric and trim and other random things I have never seen in another Joann's. It was magical. And I quickly, and easily, filled up a cart with things that I had never seen before. Or at least I don't remember seeing them. And obviously I "needed" all of them. At least that was what I told myself when I bought them. I did get another colorway of the glitter velvet, Maire should be happy about that. I have now seen it in purple, black and green. Maybe no other colors exist. Anyway, I should not need to buy fabric for awhile. But let's be honest, I didn't NEED to buy this stuff, I just wanted it. 
     For fun, here is a pic of the only Corbett saddle I have managed to add to my collection to date. I have had it for a bit and not actually used it yet. I am sure I will sooner or later. I figured it could come out to get some photos I needed. Someone wanted to see one of my saddle pads on a horse. And now I possess that photo. It also reminds me I should find the bag of fabric I got from Spoonflower and get back to cutting out saddle pads. And maybe make some more. Maybe. I'll add it to the list.
     Part of the idea of going to Joann's in Manchester was to swing back through Winsor and check out Price Chopper and see if they had any Rebel ice cream in stock. If they did, I would buy some. If they didn't, I guess I didn't get any ice cream. Well, they had some. And I bought all of it. Which was only 6 pints, but it's still sort of funny that I cleared out their entire stock. It's good ice cream. And I had to drive 40 minutes from my house to buy it so it makes sense to buy a lot. 
     The other day I got some quick photos of my stock that I have left from Breyerfest and I got them posted in a couple of places. I forgot that I was almost out of the priority boxes I use to ship dolls. Oops. So I just took care of ordering some more of those. I wish my local post office still carried that particular size. Not that it is not convenient to have them come to my door, but I have to remember when I am low on them as they take a bit to arrive. Anyway, there are days when I sort of like packing things for shipping. And then there are days when I really wish the boxes would pack themselves. 
     I have a show coming up in less than 3 weeks and I feel like I should work on my entries. At least figure out what I want to show. But I still have time, right?

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