Thursday, August 1, 2019

Little Things Make Me Happy

     Little things make me happy. It's true. Like finding a use for the 6" cake pans I bought. I originally got them because several low carb cake recipes call for 6" pans. But so far I have not used them since I bought them. So the other day I was doing breakfast for supper and wanted to do the 90 second microwave bread  but didn't want to have to continuously make singles. So I doubled the recipe and put it in my cake pans. 
     Since it was doubled I first tried it at 120 seconds, just to make sure it was done. It was great. It was also great at 90 seconds. Doesn't seem to make a difference when doubled and put in a 6" cake pan. For anyone that is wondering.

     It also comes out thicker and fun and I could see doing 90 second cakes in the microwave and now I want a tiny chocolate cake in just a few minutes. Need to find a recipe. I might try this one. After that my only issue is cake should have frosting and none of them are insanely easy. And I WANT insanely easy. A quick search found me this recipe. We may have a winner. It kind of looks like I could potentially make an entire frosted cake in under 10 minutes. Challenge accepted! I'll report back. And if I make it a dark chocolate cake, Ethan might even eat eat. Oh! And I can decorate it with Lily's chocolate chips! This is happening. 
     So other than deciding to make a super fast chocolate cake (I am totally going to time it and see how quickly I can do it!) while writing a blog post, other little things make me really happy. Like, every time I get an email from Travis. He is working on making Google Docs and emailing at school. Sometimes he emails his teachers and sometimes he emails me. I got this one the other day and it made me really happy. It says: "Dear Mommy, I miss you when I am at school. I am doing alot of work and having fun. I will see you later. Love, Travis"
    I know he had some help with it, he never calls me Mommy. But he might actually miss me while he is at school. I wrote back and told him I also miss him while he is at school and
that I am looking forward to more of our summer adventures. Really though, I am so pleased with a little email from my kid. Now if only Elecktra would call me. My day would be complete. Maybe she wants to go to the Fun in the Sun horse show that is on August 17th. Maybe I should start prepping for that show.
     Today I also got my NaMoPaiMo ponies back from Jennifer and swag! I LOVE swag! The stickers have already been put to good use and whenever it stops being so humid I can wear my NaMoPaiMo T-shirt. I'm also thinking I should think up a show entry that involves many tiny gift bags. I have a decent collection of those at this point. Though I probably need more, lol. 

    So many little things make me happy. And remind me all the time that I have really great people around me. 

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