Friday, August 2, 2019


      My friend Crystal and I met in the summer or fall of 1997. We actually met at Denny's when we were both hanging out there all the time at night. I was working there as well, so I was really always there. She knew me before I had kids, so we have been friends for an incredibly long time. She is not technically my oldest friend, I do have a friend I see or talk to once in a great while that I have known since I was 8, but she is my oldest friend that I still know I can count on for anything. Crystal is my person (that Grey's Anatomy reference brought to you by Crystal, since I didn't watch the show enough to know that for myself). She is the one that stuck with me after I had Elecktra and didn't treat me any differently. She is the one who didn't stop bothering to call me because I could "never go out". No matter what, I always know that Crystal has my back. In all things. Somewhere along the way she became my sister and we have been family ever since. 
Crystal and I in roughly March of 2005 (we think). Not one of my babies. 
     Crystal and I have a lot in common, but not all things. Both of us are very crafty and make jewelry. Though Crystal makes a wide variety of jewelry of all types and I string beads (basically). Over the years we have both done a variety of crafts and even did some selling together at craft fairs. Hanging out with my friend all day made the fact that stuff wasn't selling a lot more fun. 
Crystal and I making stupid faces at each other on my wedding day. 
     Speaking of craft fairs, I once met a guy at a craft fair who said he was willing to bring some of my jewelry to other fairs he was going to and try to sell things for me. I can't even remember at this point why he said he would do that for me. But none of my stuff was super expensive so if he stole it, it was not the end of the world. Other than I was super poor at the time. But the day he was supposed to come to my apartment to pick up the box of stuff it occured to me how stupid that was. So I called Crystal to come over so at least I was not alone with the babies (my kids were really small then). And she dropped everything she was doing and came over and hang out. 

I don't know if we even realized that our picture was being taken. We were just having a good time. 
     Then there was the time when I bought my sewing machine. It's a fairly reasonable machine, that was usually quite pricey (again, I was super poor at the time so $800 was an insanely huge amount of money). I found the exact model I wanted for $350 on Craigslist. I didn't want to go to the guy's apartment to pick it up (because I was thinking about stuff like that not being safe. Finally.) so I said I would meet him in the parking lot of Walmart in Northampton. But I called Crystal to come with me anyway. Not that I thought a guy was likely to do something to me in the middle of a parking lot in Northampton in the middle of the day, but still, better to have a friend. And it sure makes for a good story. 
I am about 99% sure this awesome photo was taken by Liesl Dalpe, who was my official wedding photographer. 
       Crystal has been an important part of my life for over 2 decades. We have never taken a break or gone for lengthy amounts of time without calling each other or at least texting. We have a very similar, sometimes twisted, sense of humor, and whenever we get together or get on the phone we end up laughing about something or other. Or just being ridiculous at each other. I have never had to be even a little fake with her. Not that I make a practice of being fake with people, but I can let my full crazy out and Crystal has never judged and is right there with me. 
One of my favorite wedding photos. Crystal, me, my sister Cathy and Buzz Lightyear. 
     After I got married Crystal stayed at my house for the weekend so she could watch my kids and I could actually go on a honeymoon. Travis would have been 9 then, already diagnosed with autism, still with almost no words and I am pretty sure not fully potty trained. Crystal doesn't just love me, she loves my kids. Just because we are sisters doesn't mean she had to "adopt" Elecktra and Travis as her niece and nephew. But she did, and has been completely amazing with them both. And I know for a fact that can't always have been easy. But Crystal makes it look easy. She has always treated Travis like any other person. Probably better because, we agree, a lot of people suck. She has always acknowledged him but also given him whatever space he needs or wants. Hugs are great, but not forced. She also keeps up my standards with him and expects to hear manners. Aunts can do those things. 
     Crystal and I have done all sorts of things together over the years. When I decided to give doing Mary Kay a try, I asked Crystal if she would be interested. She researched the company and said sure. Neither of us stayed with it super long, but going to meetings was another thing we could do together. Too bad Crystal doesn't collect model horses. I bet she would love the atmosphere of a show. And probably a lot of the crazy people. 
Crystal and I the night I got my red jacket
      At some point I started taking wedding photos. I would do them for friends or friends or family of friends. One of the weddings I did was for Crystal's friend, Joy. Joy is kind of my friend, but really only through Crystal. It is her baby in the first photo. I am pretty sure we all got together to have a girls' night for my birthday. Though I am not positive. Anyway, for Joy's wedding I was the photographer and Crystal's date. And I have to say, she is a fantastic wedding date. Fun to talk to and hang out with. And we look good together!
Crystal and I at a friend's wedding
     Before I started writing this post I asked Crystal if it would be OK for me to do a blog post about her and use photos of us. She pretended to be shocked that I wanted pics, but I knew she was messing with me. I was really surprised when both of our searches turned up very few photos of us together. We have been friends for 22 years and the photos in this blog are almost every photo of the two of us together (there are a few more from my wedding with the wedding party and so on). The picture of Crystal and Elecktra was from Elecktra's graduation and is the most recent photos of her that I have at all. Which was 4 years ago. That's not OK. So when we hang out tomorrow we are planning on getting more pictures. Even if it's too hot too look good in the photos, lol!
Crystal and Elecktra on graduation day
     Crystal has had a headache, of varying severity, for over 13 years at this point. That has not stopped her from being there for me when I needed her. It sometimes meant wearing sunglasses inside, but she was always there (my wedding, Mary Kay stuff, holidays, etc). During the absolute worst week of my life Crystal was there for me. She came to my house with ice coffee every day, even though it was rough on her. And she watched me try to eat and fail and she just said to keep trying. I'm pretty sure she knows every secret I have and doesn't think any less of me for them. She knows all of the struggles I have had trying to find, and failing to find, services for Travis. She has supported me and been there to talk through every difficult decision I have ever faced. She is my person. And if we could cure her headache and get her into model horses, she'd be basically perfect. 

1 comment:

  1. But if she were perfect, she'd disappear. Cure the headache: life, not her, would be perfect.
