Sunday, August 18, 2019

Fun in the Sun part 2 English Performance

     Yesterday was Fun in the Sun, held in Stafford Springs Connecticut. This is only the second show hosted by Stacylynn Mullady, but she puts on a good show. She works out any problems that arise, including having to rearrange the hall to fit the 10 novices in the same room (this was a change that had to happen to the plan the night before). The tight squeeze in the hall actually reminded me of the first Baystate I held at the Mason's lodge years and years ago. We're Region X, we make it work.
     It was a tight squeeze in the hall and made for some awkward photo taking at times, plus a sort of dance to get in and out of your seat. But it was a good time. I was not in a super competitive mood, but I had my plan, some new stuff to show and some fun ideas for the creative classes. The first class for me was hunter/jumper. As is usual here, it was a large class, though I am not sure how many entries in total. Bring the Mayhem went in with her pink and black tack made by Jennifer Buxton, her awesome saddle pad made by Studio Maire, SMBs made by Rachel Fail and the doll and jump were made by me. I am fully aware that SMBs are not typical legwear for jumper, but they are not illegal, even though they are not overly common,  and I was trying to be at least sort of ready for the next class. 

     Sweet but Psycho went in the class with her hunter entry. Her tack was also made by Jennifer Buxton and her pad by Studio Maire. The jump was made by Marci Driscoll. She got fifth and the judge told me she wanted to place her higher, but the doll was looking up. Silly doll. I had to pop her head off and sort of prop it in a way that allows her to look forward. She may need some further customizing.
      The next class was games. I decided Sweet but Psycho was sitting out because the game I wanted to put her in didn't have canter in it. I have LOTS of games in my documentation binder, but didn't want to search for a new one. So I just set up Bring the Mayhem in this horseball entry. Same tack as jumper but the cool horseball set, including documentation, was made by Carre Sloam Meyer. I bought it during my week of Breyerfest FOMO and made the doll just for this setup. 

     I really love how extreme (crazy) these riders get while playing this game. I am happy that an unmodified Gracie doll can do some cool stuff. Katherine Bone commented that I needed a pick-up strap. Not having any idea what that was I did some quick research. Now to improve my horseball entry!
     Next up was Arena trail. I switch the doll back for Bring the Mayhem and took off her boots (and I almost forgot to!). The judge said she would have liked to see longer poles in the setup. Yes, it really does sometimes come down to tiny details like that. 
     The judge did also comment that she was sort of hoping my doll was still looking up. When the class entries are so good as a whole that you have to hope someone messes up, you have a great competition. She was pleased to see I had the doll looking forward now. And Sweet but Psycho got second place in Arena trail.
     The last class my horses placed in in the English division was pleasure. I am fully aware that Bring the Mayhem is not really anyone's idea of a pleasure horse, but I keep putting him in the class anyway because he's already dressed and I just have to move him to a new table. And there is always the slim chance everyone else will screw up their entry. 
      Sweet but Psycho however, does very well in pleasure. Especially when I can get the doll and the bits to behave. 
     I also showed Bring the Mayhem in dressage in the Other English class but he didn't place at all. I forgot to ask the judge why. But it was OK, I was having fun showing and visiting with my friends and placings were sort of secondary to me. Next up, Other Performance and the Western division. 

1 comment:

  1. Cpongratulations! That cantering Copperfox Connemara is really a good overall performance mold (I have the bay too).
