Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I’m Blaming Fabian for This

     I was back to being comfortably unmotivated and Fabian had to go and mess that up for me. I was settled in to finish binge watching season 2 of 13 Reasons Why and I got a message from Fabian. "If you want, I'd be happy to sell dolls for you at TJS". Well poop, I was all ready to lay around and actually look at the TV while I was watching it. But now with an offer like that on the table I have 6 weeks (more like 5) to get as many dolls done as I can and send them off to Colorado. 
    How did I get such amazing friends? 
    Oh and for anyone that missed that, yes, it is only about 5/6 weeks until The Jennifer Show. Start panicking now if you have not already. 
    Really the first thing that absolutely needed to be done was to organize the trash heap that is my doll fabric drawer. So I managed that and now I can actually see what I have. I was a little surprised at some of the things I found. I have A LOT of glitter cotton, not that that is news to me, many shades of red, a ton of pieces of things that are too small to use and not worth keeping... yeah, cleaning needed to happen. And now it did and I can move on. Though I have other drawers of doll things that need attention. 
     I still don't have my sewing machine so I have limited things I can actually do for dolls at the moment. But I managed to get a good start on 7 outfits. I have to cut out and assemble the 5 pairs of chaps and after that I can either go and sew at Mom's house or do some other pieces of doll stuff. I can hair heads, paint faces and I need to mold and paint some more helmets since I am out of those again. Or almost out of them. I could also cut out more clothes, hair more heads and so on and so on. I don't want to get too ahead of things with cutting out clothes. But I do kind of want to wait for my machine to come back and see if it is so super amazing and then sew all the things! Not that I actually enjoy sitting and sewing for that amount of time. Still, I might have to do it. 
     So I had no particular doll plans and TRXC is still too far out to be all that concerned about cranking out sales stuff. But now with Fabian's (extremely generous) offer, I have to get back to work. I checked the summer school schedule and Travis actually has another week of school because I think maybe I was thinking of Ludlow's schedule. Since I had been considering working the summer program, I knew the schedule. I am so glad I chose not to do that. Anyway, time to get back to making dolls. I wonder if I have any creativity left in me. 
    Oh, a couple of updates. I finished watching season 2 of 13 Reasons Why. The last episode really bothered me, most especially how the kids in the show chose to handle the situation. I really hope that the writers try to address that in season 3 and stress that that is not the way to handle those types of things. I am trying really hard not to give any spoilers. I am glad I watched the show though. It's good to know the stuff that is out there that the kids I work with are watching. And I know a lot of them watch that show. I also started on Good Omens, which so far is a lot more entertaining to watch. Maybe it is that I am a big fan of David Tennant. I think he was my favorite Doctor. Though my first Doctor was Christopher Eccleston and I thought he was fantastic as well. He's not in Good Omens however. I'm only 1 episode in so far but I'm glad I got that as a recommendation. 
    I did also make, burn and finish the super fast chocolate cake. The burnt layer got tossed but the other one was pretty good. Ethan proclaimed it the best chocolate cake he had ever had. Not too sweet, denser than normal cake and completely uncake-like. And he totally meant it as a compliment. I think when it is fresh it is soft like cake, and being a mug cake, it is meant to be eaten fresh out of the microwave. So... I need another super fast cake recipe. One that can sit and stay soft. I am glad Ethan liked the cake, and I will totally make it again. But I want cake-cake for me. Maybe cake will motivate me to keep working on new dolls. 

1 comment:

  1. Food and creativity have always been related. Hooray for Fabian, the man of the hour, or year seems to me!
