Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Tiny Food, A Tiny Horse and a Walk

     In the past I have made lots and lots of miniature food. But it takes a really long time to make realistic food and unless I need it for something, it's not something I am going to make all that often. But Fun in the Sun is coming up and there are some unusual classes on the class list, so I had a need for some burgers and hot dogs. It's not every day you have a valid reason to Google "raw hot dogs". 
       I got a text from Ethan and we chatted back and forth for a minute and I told him Travis wanted to go somewhere and I needed ideas. He said the mills or the reservoir for a walk. Well those were good ideas. So I grabbed my Mares in Black hat and put on actual sneakers and we went to the river walk behind the Ludlow Mills. I sent this picture to Ethan and said "look, we're outside. On purpose!" Travis has been very teenager lately and doesn't want to do anything. He doesn't want to hang out and watch a movie with me, he doesn't want to even leave his room most of the time. Just wants to hang out and do his own thing. But he said he would take a walk with me. 
     In case you were wondering, this is what walking "with" me looks like. 
and this...
...and this. 
     At least he listens if I ask him to stop and wait. Not that he will stay with me or anything. I posted one of those photos on facebook and people said I needed to walk faster or take bigger steps. The funny thing is, I do walk pretty fast. If I get too close to being next to him Travis will actually speed walk or run a bit to get ahead. I think he likes to pretend he is out there alone. 
     After I washed the dishes and stared at this little horse for awhile, I decided he had been sitting in a base coat for long enough. So I got out the paints to do just a little bit on him.
And then just a little bit more. And a bit more after that. 
     Until finally I had a finished tiny horse. I also remembered shortly into painting time that there was a new episode of Mares in Black. Which is of course perfect for painting to. (*note* this post was schedule already when I jumped ahead and did a bonus post, including this horse!)
     So now this year I have painted 3 micro minis and I am actually pretty proud of them. I don't have any good photos of this one yet because it is raining. But he's done and he's another that I can look at and be a little bit amazed that I actually painted him myself. 
     In other polymer clay food news, I made this batch of tiny tacos. My friend Brenda was sharing her tiny taco purchase a while ago in a non-model-horse hobby group and there was a lot of interest in tiny tacos. One lady actually sent me a message asking to purchase some. But that was during the mad Breyerfest prep time and I told her that it would be awhile, potentially a couple of months, until  I made any more food, if I made any at all. Tiny food takes a long time. Anyway, I managed to get these 6 tiny tacos made and I feel they are even better than the first round of tacos I did. It almost inspires me to make more tiny food. Almost.
     I am still slowly working on getting dolls worked on. I did a bit more with cutting out chaps and still have a couple more pairs to go. But I am back to being often unmotivated and even a little bit tired. Maybe I will just do nothing for a bit. 

1 comment:

  1. When I reached the tiny tacos I laughed out loud. Hoot!! And congrats on the bay.
