Saturday, August 10, 2019

Micro Arabian part 2 and the Continuation of Extreme Customization

        I finally managed to finish the tassels on the other side of the micro Arabian costume. I think this was day 3 of working on it. Not that I worked on it for a super long time each day, tiny tassels do make me crazy, but now it as done. 
     Then I remembered that Arabian costumes need breast collars and those also need tassels. So I got that put together and started working on a single strand one strand braid for the trim on the costume. So far I think the costume is coming together well. And unless I am crazier than I think I am, everything is in scale. Which is important to me. 
     Earlier in the day I did some more work on the smaller youth doll as well. When I was working on her arms and legs I realized both were a bit too long. So I broke some things on the arms and shortened them up a bit more and then cut off a bit on the ankle of each leg and pinned the feet back on. So now this will be a fairly young kid. Not super young, but I think just about the right size for the age that I was asked to make. So now the body is all done and the head is haired. I just need to repaint the face and make the clothes and dress the doll and so on and so on and then she'll be done. Baby steps. 
     Then Thursday I was chatting with Ethan before he went to work and doing anything on the computer just seems so rude. So I started some more work on the micro Arabian costume. I got some more miniscule braiding done and I put some as trim all around the edge of the main body of the costume. 
     I also added rows of braid to the breast collar to cover the ultra suede base and bring everything together. Then I worked on the itty bitty bridle. The bit is sort of suggested but IS there. It is made from tiny pieces of silver ribbon. I am exceptionally glad that this costume is not going to be removable. That was the original plan and I am glad I changed my mind on that. This has been challenging enough without the added challenge of how to make it go on and off. The costume I could have worked out easily but the bridle is another story entirely. It is just SO tiny!
    So now most of the costume is finished and the next step is going to be to work on the doll. There WILL be a saddle piece and stirrups and all that, but I want to build the doll first.Once I get her worked out the saddle, stirrups and stirrup leathers are all going together and on the horse in one piece. They will also not be removable. But this is where I am on this costume 4 days into the process. I am hoping one or two more days of teeny tiny work will get it all finished. 

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