Friday, August 9, 2019

Micro Mini Arabian Costume and Extreme Customization

       So not only have I been challenged to make a micro mini Arabian costume, but now Larry has challenged me to get it done in the next 12 days (it's less than that now). Just because that is when Fun in the Sun is and he wants to see it in person. It's an all OF show so I can't show it, but I can share it. 
    So to get started I printed out some little rugs on silk fabric. I tested a bunch of sizes with paper first and then I chose two sizes I liked the best and printed several of each. In case I screwed up. I also brought a tiny paper rug to Joann's to get the embroidery floss. I also got some beading needles because I have just always done Arabian costumes with beading needles. Maybe because there were usually some beads involved. Anyway, they are very thin so won't poke giant holes in my micro costume. Which is definitely good. 
       I got started on the itty bitty, hand-tied tassels and quickly remembered how much I hate making tassels. Which is funny because I used to make lots of Arabian costumes and halters. That was actually my thing before I started making dolls. 
     I managed to get one side of tiny tassels done on Monday night and then I needed to put this down and stop being near it. Well, stop looking at it because I actually put the horse on the shelf next to my bed. Not a bad start for something to incredibly small. I also posted one of the pictures on Instagram and Facebook. Which prompted a couple of people to tell me I am crazy. This is not news. And if I was sane I would likely not be in the model horse hobby. Or a paraprofessional.
     Tuesday was of course laundry day and on that episode of "what is Anne making in the laundromat" we saw... more miniscule hand-tied tassels. I think I managed to finish half or 2 thirds of the other side of the costume before the dryers were done and I needed to fold. Then I had to do some grocery shopping so I didn't have time for any more costume work just then. 
      After putting groceries away and doing a couple of other house chores I decided since I had bothered to take the dremel out that I would start on a youth doll order I need to do. I need to make a somewhat younger kid, which requires a somewhat smaller body. Which is not something that is readily available. So I am chopping up a Breyer doll and doing some sort of horrible things to it. 

     Definitely in the very ugly stage but it's coming along. The epoxy should be plenty cured tomorrow for me to finish up the arms and legs. I did also manage to hair a head for this doll. So some progress was made. 
     I got the last 2 pairs of chaps cut out that I traced out the other day. I still don't have my sewing machine back, which super sucks. So tomorrow I might cut out clothes for the youth doll and hair heads for the 7 other dolls I have clothes cut out for. After that I guess I could start cutting out boots, and probably getting them on some of the dolls. Western boots need to go on before chaps after all. So yeah, looks like boring stuff like head hairing and making boots. I will probably also work on the Arabian costume a bit more. I think I have basically decided to finish the costume, at least mostly, before I make the tiny doll. Because the doll might be more fun. At least there won't be any tassels. 

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