Friday, August 16, 2019

My sewing machine is being held hostage and doll silliness

     I feel like my sewing machine is being held hostage. I am nearly out of the clothes I worked on at Mom's house the other day and soon I will really need to do some sewing again. But I still don't have it. I called yesterday, again, and talked to a different woman. She told me it needed a new bobbin case, which I already knew from the woman I talked to two weeks ago. The only potentially new thing I learned yesterday was that the part had been ordered and hadn't come in yet. Now, no one has called me to tell me the machine needed this new part, told me the additional cost of ordering and changing out this part. So I have no idea the added cost to the repair. I know the tune-up was not supercheap on it's own. I didn't know that supercheap was one word, but the grammar check just said it was. You learn something new every day.  So I still don't know when I will get my sewing machine back or how much it will cost to get it back. I have had zero communication from this place and they have had my machine for 3 weeks now. I am not overly pleased, if you couldn't tell. 
      I did still have finished doll clothes and prepped dolls, so I got 3 more dolls put together yesterday. The western doll has blue Swarovski crystals all over her top, though I don't think they show in the photo. I don't know if I will do any doll work today. Maybe a couple of small things I have on my to-do list. I have to pack for Fun in the Sun and Crystal and I are getting together later.
     I got this funny photo from Joan Yount yesterday. I couldn't figure out if this lady was doing parkour or pole dancing, but it was silly and funny. Now that I look at the photo more I am also jealous of Joan's paintbrush collection. She has so many! But she also paints larger things that I do. I am on the hunt, continuously, for teeny tiny brushes. 20/0 spotters are my preferred brush, though sometimes hard to find, and I could really get excited about even smaller brushes. I don't know if they exist or not. I should read more posts on the NaMoPaiMo page when it's really active. Sadly, I don't really have time because February I am at school for a chunk of the day, and can't get Facebook unless I turn off the wifi on my phone. And strangely when I am at school I have to do work. Weird. 
     I had some time after doll work yesterday to start working on tacking up horses for Fun in the Sun. I managed it, which is how I know I have time to hang out with Crystal today. I still need to pack but I got the tacking process finished and can do the packing after hanging out. I think we are going to go and do some errands. Maybe I can find Travis that red shirt he said he wanted. Back to school shopping is an ongoing process. We only have about a week now before school starts up again. I am trying to be excited for the new year. So far I am failing at that. 
     So today I get to see Crystal, tomorrow I get to see Elecktra since she is coming with me to Fun in the Sun, and I get to see a lot of my favorite people as well. I am not all excited about showing, which bugs me a bit, but maybe I will get into it tomorrow. I have a plan of what I want to do and I have some cool stuff for the special classes and a new horse (who needs a leg tag). It should be good. And I have a teeny tiny Arabian costume to show people who are interested. I think the show will be great. 

1 comment:

  1. Your sewing machine repair company is not exciting my admiration. If I knew their parent company I'd call and complain.
    Is calling them once a day an option?
