Thursday, August 15, 2019

Running, Running, Running

     I knew that there was going to be running around yesterday. I didn't know just how much when I got up in the morning. Ethan reminded me that Travis had a dentist appointment. Which was good because I remembered up until yesterday and then I forgot. I figured since I already needed to be out we would also go out and look for more pants. Travis is tricky because he is tall but also really thin. Short pants are an ever present danger. Plus he only likes track pants (or similar). It was time to head to Holyoke and try some stores there. We went to TJ Maxx, I was armed with a tape measure this time, and we fairly quickly found some pants. Since those stores are a bit further than is convenient for returns I decided it was time for just trying stuff on. We got through that quickly and easily, the pants fit and I found another pair that I then compared the length of to the ones I knew that fit. Perfect. Easy. Fast. After that I asked Travis where he wanted to go, since we had a lot of time until we needed to head to the dentist and he said shopping. OK.
    So we went to the mall to see about finding more pants or maybe some shirts. We checked Burlington Coat Factory and they were a huge disappointment. They really seemed to only have track pants for Big and Tall or women. Not cool. So we left in search of a red shirt, which is what Travis told me he wanted, but when we got up the escalator, there was Round 1 (the arcade) and Travis said he wanted to go there. Well of course. OK, let's go to the arcade, we haven't done anything fun in a bit. 
     Travis played a bunch of his favorite games, including the horse race game. We tried to win a stuffed Mario, again, and again didn't get it. Those claw machines are tricky. I think they have rigged claw machines more and more as the years go by. Maybe someday we will get Mario. Maybe not. We spent some time in the arcade and ran out of money on our game card just about perfectly in time to head to the dentist. So we did. 
       We were early to the dentist so I called the sewing machine repair place from the parking lot. Again. I had already called a couple of hours earlier and no one answered the phone. No one answered when I called in the early afternoon either. Grr. I really want to at least have any idea of when I am getting my sewing machine back.
     The last time Travis went to the dentist he was the most uncooperative he has ever been. I prepped him this time, asking if it was OK for Dr. Maureen to clean his teeth and reminding him that meant she was going to have to put her hands in his mouth. He said yes to all that. And I guess he meant it. First he showed her how he brushes his teeth and then let her brush his teeth. She was able to use the buffer, floss and even do a tiny bit of scraping (he only needed a tiny bit). He didn't like that part but he used his words. He told her "no" and "hurry up". It was cool. She asked if she could just scrape until the count of 5, so Travis counted to 5 at top speed. Then she asked if he could count to 10 and he did that too. The result was that he let her finish and he was super good about it. 
    Dr. Maureen asked if Travis eats a lot of sugar and I said he doesn't eat any sugar. Other than the tiny amounts that are in things where we can't avoid it (like the less sugar ketchup that still has some sugar in it). And we mentioned the ice cream and Dr. Maureen was interested and we told her we get either the Enlightened or the Rebel ice cream. And since Travis was so good at the dentist and we finished so quickly, I decided we could road trip to get some ice cream. So we did. 
     Ethan has his hair cut in a mohawk and has never gotten it to stand up. We have been trying with gel but yesterday I googled how to do it and found a couple of different ways to do it. One video said all you need is a comb, hairdryer and Aquanet. It worked for all the big hair in the 80's, might as well try it again. And they happened to have it at Shaw's, where we went to get ice cream. So I picked that up. Tomorrow we will see if we can get Ethan's hair to stand up. 
     Since we had so much running to do yesterday I got started on dressing a couple of dolls in the morning. I got to a point where I basically just needed trim and bling. After we got back from the errands I got the dolls out to see if I could get them done. And since I had a good start on things, and Ethan grilled so I didn't have to cook a whole supper, I worked a bit longer on them than I usually do and I finished them both up. I didn't make any horse boots yesterday, but I finished 2 more dolls. I guess that will have to be good enough.
     Today I am not completely sure what I will work on. I redid my classlist plan for Fun in the Sun last night. I will probably at least take a look at it again today and make sure I am still liking the plan. I need to make sure I have tack that will fit properly on Day Drinker and I do want to try to finish some more dolls. I should also call the sewing machine place again and see if anyone will answer the phone and tell me if they are ever going to give my machine back. I miss it. 

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