Saturday, January 4, 2020

Always Check Your Email

    I had no post planned for today. I had no new doll work, not much to talk about in general and the only picture I got from yesterday was this one, which is not super. but sort of funny I guess. And apparently even if I thought I was a hot mess in the makeup department, it was decent. I got a lot of compliments on it. I guess the color experimenting is going well. Though I am still hunting for a good teal shadow. This looked too blue on me I thought. And I live in fear of 80's blue eyeshadow. 
     I really only put this photo because it's sort of funny, and my blogs all need photos. I didn't think I had anything to talk about, but this morning, in my email, I saw that I had a new comment on my blog Doll Mojo. So I went to read it because I LOVE getting comments! Wow. I was glad I went and read the comment and I really hope I was the first one to read it, though there is no way of knowing. It was a very nice comment saying that the article was very informative and they would be pinning it in their must read articles section... which doesn't make a lot of sense because it was not an article, it was a post saying that I finished a doll, lol! Anyway, they included a permalink in their comment to their website. Their sex doll website. *sigh* NOT COOL! So I asked Google how to remove a comment and I made it go away. Honestly, I try to keep things family friendly on here. I don't need that kind of crap permalinked in my comments!
     So anyway, today is Saturday and I am very glad of it. I was exhausted yesterday afternoon and did no doll work at all. I managed (after a nap) to get a couple of dolls shipped and Travis and I went to Big Y. That was it. I was not unmotivated, I was just tired. Hopefully I can think of something to talk about soon that will not be too boring and can keep my daily posting streak alive. This year I am hoping to manage a post every day. So far, so good. 
     To wrap up with this PSA post for today, always check the comments on your blog (I get a notification in my email) and if you don't know something, or how to do something, Google is your friend. Also, NaMoPaiMo registration is now open! Come paint "with" a big group of people! Get your horses prepped! And remember, read all the rules FIRST!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all your decisions -! And thanks for the NMPM info. I have plans,... now for the timing.
