Friday, January 3, 2020

Doll Mojo!

     I have my doll mojo back! Or at least I seem to. I was really suffering with the jockey doll. I don't know if it was the seasonal depression and I am in a better place with it now (I usually am highly unmotivated for about 2 weeks every time the seasons change) or if I left the order untouched in my book for too long and he then felt like he was looming over me. Either way, getting through the jockey was rough. Sure, they are not the easiest dolls ever, but they are not all that difficult either. 
     So I got home from school and I had fully planned to take an after school nap, but I decided I was all set and would just make some coffee instead. I still have some of the excellent Tiny Footprint dark roast I got as a gift. It's delicious and sounded just right. And it was. I put on episode #23 of Mares in Black, had a coffee and got to work on Danielle's Western doll. I had all the prep work done and it didn't take long to get the basics of the outfit on and start decorating. 
     We were going with sort of a Frozen theme and I added white and silver iridescent snowflakes and then swirls of Swarovski crystals. The doll also got Elsa's pale blond braid. 
        I still had a decent amount of time before supper so I took out the paint and got the hat painted and worked on painting her face. All you need to paint doll faces is teeny tiny brushes and really steady hands!
       Here she is all finished up! I know it seems like it happened all at once, but like I said, I had the prep work all done. I was incredibly pleased with my doll work today. It felt good to not only get right into working but to not struggle to get through the work. For weeks now I have felt like I was wearing a weighted coat while I tried to work. Yesterday was relatively easy. 
    I also had a good mail day. I got a whole bunch of Amazon gift cards for Christmas so I bought some of the eyeshadow I have been eyeballing from there. That showed up today, along with a new liquid eyeliner I want to try. I am not impressed with the MAC liquid eyeliner. It was MAC and I really wanted to be impressed, but I am not. I will go back to buying the Urban Decay liner. Unless the NYX one I got in is just amazing. For a fraction of what the Urban Decay liner costs I will switch to NYX if it's just as good. 
     Other than the makeup I also got my December micro from Maggie. I got the open mouth version of Armstrong and he's pretty cute. He's another I am not sure if I am madly in love with, but he's fun and different and can hang out on my dusty shelf for now while I think about it. 
     I also got this little guy in with Armstrong. No card and I had not heard anything about an extra, so I messaged Maggie to see if I got him by mistake. Nope! He's a bonus that Maggie just didn't make a card for. And he's super adorable. Makeup and tiny horses definitely makes for a good mail day. 
      It's now the beginning of January which REALLY means NaMoPaiMo is coming! Entries will open within the next few days. If you don't have your horses prepped, get on it! I should have a batch of Breyer unicorns, that are no longer unicorns, for sale if anyone needs a prepped body. I just need to do a bit more on a couple of them. But don't wait too long, if you have decent weather, get to prepping!

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