Thursday, January 30, 2020


     Yesterday was a super struggle for me. I had one of those slight headaches, all day, that is not bad enough to take anything for it, but it's just noticeable enough to be really distracting. And it made me cranky. Well, it may have been the headache, it may have been generic frustration. I think I mentioned that I am actively trying to lose weight again. This is officially the second week, which traditionally, I lose more weight every other week, so this is the super low weight loss week (if that made sense). This is entirely normal. I am trying not to be frustrated by it. I am not stuck in a plateau, it's just not a major loss week. It happens. So that is one frustration. I also am sort of frustrated with my job. Actually, I am bored. And I hate being bored. One of the teachers I work with is just not a very good teacher and I spend a lot of time trying to explain to the kids what they need to do, as does the other adult in the room. Another doesn't like to really say what the plan is for class so the other adults in the room can't really tell the kids what is going on, when things are due and so on. Some of the classes I am in I am just really not needed. I am there as a backup and just in case, but in general I am not needed. And I am bored. What I always loved about being a para was being able to work with kids, being able to help them learn a skill. Sitting around all day counting the minutes until I can go to the next class and sit and do nothing is not fun. And I can't even read because I have to attempt to pay attention to what is going on in case I am actually needed. So yeah, mild headache, mild frustration with slow weight loss and irritating boredom from my job. Every bit of it might have been because of my headache. Other than the boredom. That is real. 
     Near the end of the last period I was so tired and so... cranky, that I didn't think I was going to be able to enact my afternoon doll plans. All I wanted to do was sew the 2 outfits I had prepped and maybe start to work on dressing the dolls. Maybe. The way I was feeling I didn't think I was going to be able to talk myself into it. I was tired and cranky and unmotivated.
     When I got home I decided I would have a small (timed) nap, then a snack and then see if I could talk myself into getting out the sewing machine. Maybe I could at least sew the two simple outfits. Though I was having doubts still. I had about a 25 minute nap and then probably took about 5 minutes to talk myself into getting up. I had my snack, chatted with Ethan a bit and got out the sewing machine. I did it. I managed to sew. 
      I watched some different makeup artists on Youtube while I worked. I really like watching product reviews especially. It's nice to have an opinion from different people on different products. Though I have now seen the same foundation reviewed by 3 different people and one person absolutely hates it and 2 really like it a lot. So it still comes down to trying things out and seeing what things work for you. But I will keep playing and practicing. Currently I am on a (self imposed) buying freeze, but I can gather opinions and see if there is something new (to me) that I should try out at some point. I'm happy to say that one of my foundations is on several people's top 5 list. And I chose that one by the label, not on a recommendation.
      Anyway, I got the doll clothes sewn and then thought about moving to my room to watch some shows and work on dressing the dolls a bit. But I was starting to feel a lot better. Ethan had put some Salonpas patches on my shoulders for me and that loosened up the tight muscles enough that my headache went away. I was still sore but my head didn't hurt. Progress. 
     I considered working on just one doll and seeing how far I could get, but then decided I would work on both at the same time. Why not? I got the shirts on both of them. Cuffs and collars are done but the western pleasure doll still needs some trim and/or bling and the casual western doll needs buttons on her shirt. But they have (mostly) finished shirts on!
      By the end of my work day I had gone from not being sure if I could even talk myself into taking out the sewing machine to having two mostly dressed dolls. They both still need boots and belts, heads and hats and a few other details. But I managed to make a ton of progress, more than I thought I would or planned on. I love surprising myself like that! With as far as I got yesterday I might be able to finish them both up today. We'll see how that goes.
    Once these two are finished I will have 2 dolls ready for my live sale in March. After these two I will work on finishing the saddlebags I have in the works, and a bunch more as well. I need more colors! At some point I should probably make horse boots too. But my stock is slowly growing. Currently I have saddle pads, judge's kits, cross country kits, a few pairs of cutting chaps, paper plates and soon some saddle bags. I am hoping for a good variety by March 28th. Just keep dolling, just keep dolling, just keep dolling...


  1. Congratulations! Proud of you... I need more self-discipline like that.

    I also suffer from mild headaches, but with me there is only one cause: Dehydration. That's is. Nothing else. Against a resistance to drinking enough, I like to say: Trust your kidneys.

  2. That particular headache was knotted neck muscles. I am usually very hydrated, but I often get tension headaches. My job can be stressful at times :)
