Friday, January 31, 2020

NaMoPaiMo starts tomorrow!

     NaMoPaiMo 2020 starts tomorrow! If you have not registered yet, you still have time! Go register right now! Stop reading and go! Here is an easy to follow link . Once you have done that, take a selfie with your nudie (your unpainted model) and post it in the seflies with nudies file on the NaMoPaiMo Facebook group. Then get ready to paint!
     Hopefully you have your materials all gathered I am doing a traditional scale model this year, I hate doing basecoats, so I got my basecoat color in a spray. 
      I have a sampling of new detail brushes that I got for Christmas from my Secret Santa. 
     Plus I have a box full of paint and even more brushes. I may not have enough of the correct size brushes though! I usually only paint minis, or really, micros. I may need some larger brushes... poop. 
     As I was typing this up and thinking of all the fun #teams people have been coming up with and how many fun doll entries people have, I was thinking about pulling out a doll and a micro and registering one of my dolls (none of them have names by the way) to participate in #teammicrospaintingmicros and I had an even better idea. Travis might want to paint with me. I'll ask him...

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