Tuesday, January 21, 2020

It’s All in the Details

      The other day I realized that I am in an odd place with my doll work. I am not in a slump where I don't want to do anything, but I don't seem to be in a place where I am really into working on dolls. But I will work on accessories. Maybe it was because it was the weekend, or maybe I am feeling a bit meh about things still, on Sunday I got some details worked on, but nothing else really. 
      The first thing I did was to start packaging chaps, since I finally remembered to buy the correct sized baggie for them. After that I got into packaging up my current stock of saddle pads, though I quickly discovered I was low, and now out of, the size baggie I need for them. I also packaged up some things I didn't make, that will still be in my sale (water bottles and tiny handcuffs). My nonexistent stock of sales items is growing into something a little more respectable. I currently have a bunch of saddle pads, a few pairs of cutting chaps, some water bottles and handcuffs and soon (hopefully) the cross country kits. I am making progress on details. 
       While I was looking for the small package tags I use I found a double stack of materials for judge's kits. I already had the "clipboards" cut out and the judge's sheets. It made sense to start putting some judge's kits together. After my black Friday weekend sale, I was completely sold out of judge's kits. 
       With some effort I finished a good amount of them and I now have a respectable amount of judge's kits all ready for the sale. I still have 10 weeks to get things done and while I still have no dolls ready for my sale, I do at least have a small variety of accessories. I am a bit less nervous now. 
      I need to finish up the last few details on the formal saddle seat doll and then I can get started on some dolls for my live sale. I still have a few bodies prepped and ready to be dressed. Now I just need to get into the rest of the details on them. At this point I am at least a bit less concerned about my lack of progress. I am making slow, and mostly steady, progress on all the details. 

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