Monday, January 20, 2020

Mood Swings

       The weather has been having some really wild mood swings lately. Last weekend it was super warm, about 70 degrees. It was warm and comfortable and Travis and I went out to do errands without coats. 
      This weekend it was around 20 degrees. It was super, nasty cold and heavy winter coats were not really enough when you were outside since the wind was very bitey. All of this in just a week. Our weather really does get crazy around here! I am ready for Spring. 
     The 10 day forecast is a strange mix of temperatures. I think near next weekend we will have temps in the 40s. Well, at least I have my NaMoPaiMo horse prepped. Do you?
      Today is my Mom's birthday. I have the day off from school. Maybe we will stop by and see her for a bit. Oh as a super random though, Sunday when Travis and I were out doing errands, 3 different people told me they love my hair. Last Thursday I was walking into Target and a woman yelled across the parking lot that she loved my hair. I am glad my hair is still bringing joy to others. 

1 comment:

  1. To answer the question, No, my NMPM horse is not prepped... :)
