Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Herd is Growing

      I am still missing a package that I should have gotten back in the middle of December. I started a search through USPS over a week ago, and they have not said a thing to me. I think maybe the mailman is wearing my nail stuff (which, that is a joke, BTW). I am really glad that most of my packages arrive, though I have had more go missing in the last year than in the rest of the time we have lived here. Anyway, yesterday I got my Uptick in the mail. And this is a really cool horse! I am really looking forward to painting the rock wall, I am sure I can do a good job on that. So here is a buying tip for anyone who still wants and has not managed to snag an Uptick. When Morgen tells you the sale is coming up, set a calendar alert on your phone. It will remind you the sale is happening that day. Then set an alarm for 2 minutes before the stated sales time. When your alarm goes off, drop everything you are doing, log into paypal (this is an important step) and then go to the link that Morgen provides in the email. Just keep trying it until it works, add the horse to the cart and checkout. Easy. Some of these instructions come direction from Morgen (like, logging into paypal right before the scheduled sales time). If you don't have a smartphone or don't know how to use calendar alerts I can't help you. Other than to say write yourself a note and hope you remember. I also don't know when Morgen will have the next ready for sale. Anyway, Uptick is super cool in person and I am very glad I added him (her?) to my collection. Now I really need to get to painting! I have all of January to practice to get ready for painting Ballycor during NaMoPaiMo. I should get on it. 
      I have a good amount of prepped micros ready for painting and I should potentially considering working on one or two. Or five. I think I am past the worst of my winter blahs, though it's hard to tell, they can always come back. I do have dolls I need to work on, but since it's not show season, no one seems to be in a huge rush. Maybe I can work on dolls for a few hours after school and then work on painting while I am cooking supper. It's not a lot of time, but I don't have tons of time during the week. We'll see. I need to decide who to paint first, and what color to do. I really want to paint Tennytoo, but what color to do???


  1. I got my Uptick yesterday, also. I don’t think I can paint well enough to do him justice.

  2. I got an Uptick and two Micronauts. I have a pile of micros and medallions and I haaaaate prepping so this ought to be fun.
