Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tuesdays are Weird

     So it seems that a lot of people know that for me, Tuesday is laundry day. I have said it to enough people enough times it's just one of those things about me that a lot of people know. And a lot of people forget it often, because why WOULD they remember when I do laundry? Well yesterday, my friend Brandi (she teaches AP Calc) said "you do laundry on Tuesdays, how much does it cost to wash and dry a load?". There is however no easy answer to that question. Is it a regular sized load, medium load, or a large load? There are 3 different sizes of machines where I go. It costs $2.50 for the small washers, $6 for the large ones and 25 cents for 7 minutes of time in the dryer. You likely need to put the stuff in for 45 minutes to an hour. Apparently a student had asked because their washer at home had broken. Brandi was guessing it was maybe a few dollars. I told her that it's probably more like $4.50-$5.00 to do a regular sized load of laundry. Going the laundromat is expensive. We have zero space for a washer and dryer, so I keep paying laundromat prices. It sucks. But Brandi is so amazing, she remembers that Tuesday is my laundry day. She also made me the blanket-scarf I am wearing. Her classroom gets super chilly, and I am almost always cold, so she made me this for Christmas. The only Christmas gift she has given a colleague in 8 years. I am honored. And the scarf is cozy!
      Other fun things from AP Calc; one of the girls asked for an example of when she would need to know the first derivative of something in real life. And because I am an excellent researcher, and I like finding answers to strange questions, I looked it up and quickly had several answers. I love researching. And answering odd questions. 
      So Monday I got a bit of doll work done, though I was back to doing bits and pieces. I cut out the pieces for a couple of dolls and haired some heads. It was not an overly productive day. 

     I think part of what makes Tuesdays such a weird day is the fact that unless I work in the laundromat, I don't really end up having any time to work on dolls. So I don't (usually) work on weekends, then I work on Monday, but not Tuesday. It's odd. Anyway, I have clothes ready to sew and hopefully I can get those done later and start putting a doll together. That would be good. 
     I was chatting with Joan the other day and we were talking about how we are one day closer to Spring. She said she noticed that there was still a bit of light in the sky around 6:00 (I think, maybe it was later). Then that got me to thinking that it stays lighter later at her house and there are some times of year that makes me a bit jealous. Like in December here it is fairly dark by 4:30. That is just awful! But I did take note a couple of days ago and it is only just thinking about starting to get dark at 4:30 now. And tomorrow it will be lighter a bit longer and then next day a bit longer. And eventually it will be Spring. Not today though. But, NaMoPaiMo is coming. That will be something to do while it cold and dark. 

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