Saturday, February 1, 2020

It’s Happening

       I am managing to use the same eyeshadow palette every day and make different looks from it. Not totally different since all of the blues and greens end up looking sort of blue. Which is frustrating to me. But I am using just one palette and having fun seeing what I can do with it. It's good to make sure to use all of the stuff I have. Making different looks, practicing blending, all of it, it's happening. 
     The doll work continues. I managed to get the boots on both the casual western rider and the western pleasure doll.
     I also got the belts on both the dolls. I meant to get more done but I didn't. I am still impressed with myself for actually finally working on making some dolls. It's happening. 
     I have participated in NaMoPaiMo for the past 2 years. I am participating again this year. It has never occured to me, before this year, to ask Travis if he wants to paint a horse. So I asked him, he said yes and I let him choose which horse he wanted from the 3 prepped stablemates I had hanging around. He chose this walking thoroughbred. I asked him what color he wanted to paint it and he said brown. Brown is a good horse color. So I got him registered, we took the selfie and now Travis will paint a horse with me. That's happening!
     Today is officially the first day of NaMoPaiMo. Being a leap year, we have an extra day to work this year. Which for me might be good. I have not painted a traditional scale horse in more years than I can remember. And it wasn't good the last time I did it. I know I can do a decent job on a micro, but can I do a good job on a traditional? Will it be harder or easier? Will I even have enough time to paint that much horse? That is a lot of real estate to cover! What did I get myself into? I have a lot of questions that only time can answer. 
     Something that comes up a lot in the NaMoPaiMo group is that it is not a contest. We are not competing against each other to see who can paint "the best" horse. There is no judging and no judgment. The goal is to paint horses. Together. Sometimes that means going to painting parties with friends. It can mean sharing your progress, cheering others on, or sharing tips with others in the group. Anyone who finishes a horse is officially a "winner", though they may not win a prize. I have a lot of horse to paint and it makes me a little bit nervous. I am not currently 100% sure I can finish it, or that I will like it when it's done. I don't know if I will remember all the things I learned last year about painting a palomino horse, but I can always go back and look at posts I made and ask more questions. One thing I know for sure is this year I am going to paint with Travis. I feel like I am a winner already.   

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