Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bags and Bones

      It's time! Time to study the skeletal system in anatomy and physiology. I super love bones and have been waiting all year for this. And you know how you learn something new every day? Not only do we have a skeleton in the class, apparently it is a real skeleton. The teacher pointed out to the class that it is real, it was a person. And it is pretty old. That particular skeleton is probably from the 80’s. These days real skeletons are hard to come by and incredibly expensive. I guess each class ends up naming him (we did a bit of forensic investigating and are pretty sure it is a male skeleton) but they have not yet. One of the girls wants to name him Vinny. I got to touch real bones. It was a weird experience, because they are real. Bones are cool and weird at the same time. 

Another interesting thing about our classroom friend is he has real cartilage on him. Most of the skeletons, even the real ones, have plastic in place of the cartilage. It is incredibly interesting to see, and touch, the real thing. I am glad that the kids are being properly respectful of our friend. It’s an amazing opportunity to learn, but bones are kind of delicate and the articulation is quite old. Not that I like to think of the 80’s as old...but it’s kind of true.
       I don't seem to be able to keep to the doll work plans I make. I still need to get some sewing done and I still keep not doing it. The other day was pretty nice weather, sunny, warm and not too windy, so instead of sewing I worked on assembling saddlebags out in the yard. It was nice for awhile, but then the fact that it was still only in the low 50's caught up with me. 
      I could have, and probably should have, gotten the sewing done when I went in, but I did not. I just worked more on saddlebags. I got them all put together and about half of the flaps got their mesh pockets, lining and were put onto the bags. I still have a lot of work to get them finished but I made some more progress. I think I can either finish them on Tuesday at the laundromat, or at least come close to finishing. 
         So progress is being made, my stock of dolls and doll accessories is growing and I have about 3 weeks left until my birthday live sale. I have no idea exactly what I will have available but the variety should be fairly good. I still need to work on numbers, trivia questions, gathering prizes (I have a bunch of things!) and I still have regular life stuff as well. But things are looking fairly good in general. I talked to a friend who knows the athletic director at another school and asked about a co-op for our Ludlow students. I have no idea if that will be an option, if it will work logistically or financially or if it is even something that I totally want. But I need to try something. I am hoping to hear from Special Olympics soon(ish) about track and maybe swimming. I finally sent Travis's medical form in and now we wait. 

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