Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sometimes I Make Dolls

       Friday I was going to come home from school and take the sewing machine out right away and get to work. No nap, no messing around, just get home and get to work. Well, I got home and I put away my Overtone that Ethan rescued from our neighbor (it was misdelivered AGAIN) and the neighbor was kind enough to open it for me. I got a seltzer and THEN I got to work. And I managed to get the sewing done that I have been trying to get to all week. 
     I had a good chunk of time left after I got the sewing done so I put on a movie and I started working on a western pleasure doll. She is dressed all in black and gray and I thought dark red hair would look really excellent on her, so that is what I did.
      I used some vintage fabric I got from Maire last summer (I think this was one of the vintage pieces) and it all came together really well. I only finished one doll this week, but I am glad I managed to get at least one done. And pieces of others and parts of saddlebags. 
       I also had a good mail day, though other than my Overtone conditioner I didn't know I had other packages until way after supper. And I got to open them myself. I got my horse blanket made by Desktop Stables that Fabian picked up for me at BreyerWest. I love it. I haven't put it on anyone yet and I am not sure who to choose, but it's awesome.
       I also got in a micro Wahoo from Kitty Cantrell. My shelf is apparently super dusty, but the tiny horse is super cool!
       Other than getting a bunch of work done and getting cool stuff in the mail I talked to a friend of mine who is a parent of a student on a unified track team at another school and she is going to talk to the athletic director about co-oping. We need to be invited by another school really, or the whatever board will deny the request. I also heard back from Special Olympics, which is even better in my opinion. Their practices are one night a week, so it's not a ton of days to commit to. I know their organization is amazing, because I have experience with that. And best of all, they said in their email that they would love to have Travis on their team. So things are moving forward with Special Olympics and maybe with other track teams. Live sale prep is going well and the weather for the 10 day forecast looks mostly reasonable. We really are one day closer to Spring. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on one of the best blanket sources we have! I love my Desktop blankets.
